Tonight, I have to take a final exam for a course I’m taking on the Problem of Suffering. As I was reviewing my notes, I came across a statement that has intrigued me. The statement is that as Christians, we are to embrace suffering – we ought not to think that we are to be exempt from it if we truly want to identify with Christ.
Now, of course, there are many types of suffering. And, here lately, I feel as if I’ve been getting a sampler platter. Yet, this does not mean that I’ve been a bad Christian or that I’ve got some personal sin that needs to be confessed. It could be that this is a season of suffering for me. It could also be a time where I am being taught trust and dependence upon the Lord. And, it could also be that this is an opportunity where God can use my circumstances to bring glory to Himself. Whatever the case, I submit to the will of the Lord.
I submit to His will because I want to see Him glorified. I submit to His will because I want to identify with Christ. I submit to His will because He knows what is best for me.
Yes, suffering comes to all. The opportunity and challenge is for the Christian to accept the suffering and excel at it in a way that delivers glory to the feet of our Lord. Afterall, He suffered much when He was here – and He did it willingly, because of love. He excelled!
Today, no matter the circumstance that you encounter, no matter the suffering and/or pain, make a decision to be closer to Christ – submit to Him. And you will soon find that the problem of suffering is no problem at all – it’s an opportunity!
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5 years ago
Blessings friend,
The topic of suffering is so apropos right now with the flu running rampant in our area. My girls have missed three days of school this week because of fever and horrible coughing and I don't know if they'll be able to go tomorrow. Anyway, all that to say, in the midst of the crud, we are tempted to ask God WHY? (Or at least I am!) But your post shed some light on that. Thanks, Friend!