Pain & Perspective

Hello Bloggy Friends!

Wow. What a morning. Last night, I managed to hurt my back - I had already done something to it on Monday and then last night was the knockout punch. So, this morning, I've been moving really slow... I'm in pain.

I spend my life in high gear always racing off to do one thing or another. But, having to slow down has given me a new perspective. For instance, I realized just how high the steps are when you are trying to climb them; I realized what a blessing hot water is when you're trying to soothe something, and don't let me forget about good ole electricity that powered my heating pad throughout the times I used it. I'm sure that is much more to discover as I heal.

I don't have anything "super spiritual" to say today. I'm just thankful to my God for allowing me a little pain to give me a better perspective on things. With God's help, this pain will pass and before long I will be back to my routine. But, I will remember this - that I should take time to stop (or at least slow down) and smell the proverbial roses.

Be blessed today!

One Response so far.

  1. Oh dear Sonya! I am so sorry to hear this. Lifting a prayer for you. I too have been forced to slow down with a sprained ankle! Yikes! But it has done the same for me.
    Enjoy God in this time.