God IS Involved!

Hello Bloggy Friends!

Today is a great day! I'm alive. Yesterday, was a great day as well. I saw the hand of God move purposefully and directly in my life. Let me tell you what happened! It was awesome!

I had a presentation to make at my job. I didn't want to make the presentation for various reasons. I took my plee to God and He worked every single detail of my presentation out on my behalf. He did it all! To God be the glory! He is soooo very worthy! He didn't remove the trial but He gave me everything that I needed to endure it.

And, that's my testimony this morning. I wish you could have been there to see God moving on people and causing them to respond with favor towards me. It was excellent! Excellent! Excellent! I know that God is real and that He moves! He answered my prayers and the prayers of those that I asked to pray for me. What favor! What love!

I'm still thinking about it today. He causes everything to work out for our good. It's a Romans 8:28 kind of experience.

Anyway, I'm running behind schedule but since I didn't post yesterday, I wanted to get back on track and let you know that God is yet alive and very active in the affairs of His children.

God ahead and fully trust Him. Put your hope in Him. He cares for you!

2 Responses so far.

  1. I am praising GOd along with you!
    Much love,

  2. Kathy says:

    Our God is so good, isn't He?! He took care of a trial for me too this week in such an amazing way! I posted about it on our women's ministry blog if you want to check it out: