Have you been watching the news lately? It seems like there is an onslaught of high profile figures being caught with their pants down…. There was even a special on television that spoke about the women of the night – professional escorts and prostitutes. We are seeing the results of a sinful – lust-filled society.
If you flip the channel, we see game-show contestants willing to nationally air their laundry at their family members’ expense. The sought-after prize – money. We are seeing the results of a sinful – greed-filled society.
Flip the channel again. We see advertisements for food – all you can eat buffets for just one low price. And the next commercial is one for a quick-fix weight-loss program – yours for just one small fee if you call within the next 10 minutes. Gluttony anyone?
Our televisions, radios, newspapers and magazines are filled with the seven deadly sins: pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust. Our society embraces and promotes living lives filled with all of this stuff. None of which is what God desires for us.
Thus, we are faced with a choice. As in all things, there is a decision that must be made. Will we continue to trudge along with society – embracing these things that God tells us to avoid or will we dare to be different. Will we dare to serve God and be holy? Will we then embrace consecration and allow the Lord to use us to positively impact a morally weak and sinful society?
That’s a personal choice. We have to decide if we will be filled with the seven deadly sins or if we will embrace the fruit of the Spirit. Will we turn:
Pride to kindness
Envy to joy
Anger to gentleness
Sloth to Faith
Greed to peace and goodness
Gluttony to Self-control
Lust to Patience and Self-Control (from Randy Rowlands’ Book, The Sins We Love)
With the aid of the Holy Spirit, you can do these things. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, you will find yourself always trying and always failing. But with Him, you can do all things.
Dare to be different from mainstream. Embrace the truth of the Bible. So, what choice will you make?
If you flip the channel, we see game-show contestants willing to nationally air their laundry at their family members’ expense. The sought-after prize – money. We are seeing the results of a sinful – greed-filled society.
Flip the channel again. We see advertisements for food – all you can eat buffets for just one low price. And the next commercial is one for a quick-fix weight-loss program – yours for just one small fee if you call within the next 10 minutes. Gluttony anyone?
Our televisions, radios, newspapers and magazines are filled with the seven deadly sins: pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust. Our society embraces and promotes living lives filled with all of this stuff. None of which is what God desires for us.
Thus, we are faced with a choice. As in all things, there is a decision that must be made. Will we continue to trudge along with society – embracing these things that God tells us to avoid or will we dare to be different. Will we dare to serve God and be holy? Will we then embrace consecration and allow the Lord to use us to positively impact a morally weak and sinful society?
That’s a personal choice. We have to decide if we will be filled with the seven deadly sins or if we will embrace the fruit of the Spirit. Will we turn:
Pride to kindness
Envy to joy
Anger to gentleness
Sloth to Faith
Greed to peace and goodness
Gluttony to Self-control
Lust to Patience and Self-Control (from Randy Rowlands’ Book, The Sins We Love)
With the aid of the Holy Spirit, you can do these things. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, you will find yourself always trying and always failing. But with Him, you can do all things.
Dare to be different from mainstream. Embrace the truth of the Bible. So, what choice will you make?
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