Modesty does not seem to be the "in-thing" these days. Even behind the stained glass of the church sanctuaries, hemlines are getting shorter and blouses and tops are getting lower. The whole "come as you are" movement in attire has helped to create an atmosphere where anything goes in regard to clothing. And, while if you don't have much of a selection for "church attire", then sure, come as you are. But, when you can do better, it is this blogger's opinion that you should.
So, what are the rules? In the Bible, Timothy certainly lay out some things for consideration when getting dressed. However, without ever cracking open the Bible, there should be some intuitive thoughts about our dress. For instance, if I put on a skirt that I automatically feel sensual in and know it to be an attention-getting skirt - that would be one that would not be appropriate for worship of the One True God. In fact, when we give our heart to God, then that selection of skirt should see its way out of our closet.
But that brings us to an interesting point - we cannot address the hemline until we address the heart. My friend Kristie sent a link to me from Sovereign Grace Ministries. There are excerpts from a book there. I hope that you will click through on this link and read about the Attitude of the Modest Woman. And, while you are there, you may want to read the other parts to this excerpt. I am sure it will stimulate your thinking around this subject. Also, you may want to check out this post from last week.
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