If you are reading this and you are living in
North Carolina,
North Carolina,
Get Out to VOTE if you have not done so already!
I am so excited about our primaries. Usually, by the time that North Carolina holds its primary, the election is generally decided. But, not so this time. Bill Clinton has been all over this state. You would think he was running for the presidency - again. And, Hillary has shown up a few times too. Their base in this state is with the small towns so they are spending lots of time in the smaller, white working class communities. Barack Obama has made his mark on North Carolina as well. His base is with the metropolitan areas and populations, so he has been campaigning at those destinations. His wife, Michelle, has been to North Carolina a few times too. It's all been so amazing - all this traffic from these political heavy-hitters.
The commercials have been overwhelming too - almost non-stop. The main difference is that Hillary continues to hit below the belt with the "kitchen sink" politics. Barack has taken a noticably positive stance here in North Carolina. As a Christian, I admire that. He's not the only democrat being positive - Bev Perdue, has a positive campaign as well. She is running for governor.
I can say that I am so happy to be apart of this primary election - even if some parts of it are wearing on my nerves - like those non-stop commercials! I'm going to vote and make my voice heard. I love that I live in a nation where this is now possible - even for someone like me!
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