How silly would we look walking around with a bullet-proof vest on?
Imagine it. Everywhere we went, we put on this bullet-proof vest. No matter what attire we were in - swimsuit, nice suit, or sweatpants - always wearing a bullet-proof vest. No matter the time of day - we'd sport that bullet-proof vest. I suggest to you that we would look pretty silly wearing that vest all of the time. And for those watching us, they would probably figure that we should be selected to appear in the very next taping of "What Not to Wear."
But, the truth is, some of us do walk around with a shield of armor protecting us. Sure, to the naked eye, we cannot see it, but to the spiritual eye, it's as noticeable as that bullet-proof vest. We walk around guarded. Yes, we are to guard ourselves from the activities of those that seek to do us ill-will, but we are not to be so consumed with guarding ourselves that we make ourselves unavailable to others.
It seems that some of us have allowed past hurts to determine how we will respond to others in the future. I did this. I was in a very serious relationship that was promised to end in marriage. Well, that relationship ended, but not in marriage. As a result, I became guarded - extremely so. I was not interested in letting anyone get too close to me. I walked around with my triple-layered bullet-proof vest on, and buried myself deep in the trenches of disappointment. I would recommend that you not even go there! It's no place for the living.
Instead, now I can look back and see the grand error of my ways. Keeping myself from living and meeting new people allowed the enemy to establish a stronghold in my mind. I always felt like anybody that approached me had an agenda. I was suspicious, anxious and paranoid. Yes, sadly I was. But, gladly, I can say that I'm free from all of it now. How did I get free? I had an encounter with the Lord Jesus and I then knew more than ever before that that was no way to live.
What I am trying to say - and not doing a good job of it at all - is nobody is perfect and even seemingly bad things happen to seemingly good people. However, our job is not to focus on the imperfection and the tragic events around us. Our job is to continue to live - and in doing so, give of ourselves to God in worship and to our fellow man in service. And, if it happens that you get injured on the way, take your concern or trouble to the Great physician - He can heal anything, anytime, anywhere - you just have to trust and know that He will. In the meantime, take off your vest and live!
Be Blessed!
Amen! Been there too myself girl. It is amazing what a focus on God and off our self does.
Much love,