We all have habits - we all have a manner of conducting ourselves. And, that is what I want to talk about in this blog. Our habits.
Before we get too far down the path, I want to first say that not all habits are bad. We brush our teeth daily - that's a habit - a manner of conducting ourselves. That is a good thing - a good habit to have - and one that everyone appreciates! (smile)
What I would like to very briefly examine here are the habits that shape our relationship with God. Richard Foster says "We are accustomed to thinking of sin as individual acts of disobedience to God. This is true enough as far as it goes, but Scripture goes much further. In Romans the apostle Paul frequently refers to sin as a condition that plagues the human race. Sin as a condition works its way out through the 'bodily members,' that is, the ingrained habits of the body. And there is no slavery that can compare to the slavery of ingrained habits of sin."
We tend to deal with the habits that we deem bad by asserting our willpower. The problem with that is that our willpower and detemination do not always hold out under pressure. It may work for a while, but eventually, this methodolgy falters. So, where does that leave us, except for leaning and depending wholly on God.
Will you do an examination? Will you examine your habits and make sure that they line up with God. And, in the event that they do not, will you then take those habits to God and ask Him to help you to release them. You cannot overcome them by willpower and determination but with God, nothing is impossible. Let's all do our part to rid ourselves - and ultimately our society - of hazardous habits.
Be Blessed!
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