I am soaking in the moment. I am sitting now waiting for a meeting to start. My jetlagged body is doing much better today despite the noisy construction that interrupted my sleep and this quite country side. I can only praise God for the miracle of this day.
Yesterday, I spent multiple hours flying over the Atlantic Ocean and then driving to this remote location to join together with colleagues from all over the world. What an experience. I can only praise God!
Today is scheduled to be a long one. We have so much to do and so little time to get everything done. But, I will not rush. This setting cannot be about rushing. In fact, everyone around me seems to be taking their own sweet time to do their duties. I could learn something. I can only praise God!
Even though my finely quaffed hair will soon be falling, losing all of its curls and my finely pressed white blouse will surely not stand up to this heat and humidity, I can only praise God. He has been good to me and still loves me no matter how I look.
I can only praise God for His goodness and mercy. He is the only One responsible for my being here right now. My prayer is this – that I will continue to live in this moment, relying solely on Him.
Sounds heavenly! (I have to admit I'm jealous.) ;-)