I Can Only Praise God!

I am soaking in the moment. I am sitting now waiting for a meeting to start. My jetlagged body is doing much better today despite the noisy construction that interrupted my sleep and this quite country side. I can only praise God for the miracle of this day.

Yesterday, I spent multiple hours flying over the Atlantic Ocean and then driving to this remote location to join together with colleagues from all over the world. What an experience. I can only praise God!

Today is scheduled to be a long one. We have so much to do and so little time to get everything done. But, I will not rush. This setting cannot be about rushing. In fact, everyone around me seems to be taking their own sweet time to do their duties. I could learn something. I can only praise God!

Even though my finely quaffed hair will soon be falling, losing all of its curls and my finely pressed white blouse will surely not stand up to this heat and humidity, I can only praise God. He has been good to me and still loves me no matter how I look.

I can only praise God for His goodness and mercy. He is the only One responsible for my being here right now. My prayer is this – that I will continue to live in this moment, relying solely on Him.

My Travel Destination

Hey y'all! I made it. I'm in a quaint little "municipality"...

I am in the district of Eichstätt

The coat of arms for the district look like this...

Well, according to Wikipedia anyway - I haven't had very long conversations with the folks around here that could speak English. So, I'm just going to trust wiki on this one.

Are you curious yet? Do you know where I am?

You will be interested to know that in four meals, I have had chicken three times. I'm not going to turn into a chicken am I? If I come home with feathers, you'll know why...

I am also near the Altmühltal Nature Park - its really authentic - no fancy American trappings around here. Air conditioning? What's that? And, who needs it anyway. (ME!) I've been half-kidding that I was going to go sit in the car - it has air conditioning.

The meetings start tomorrow. And, I'm determined that despite the authentic, unfamiliar and seemingly behind the times setting, I am going to have a great time enjoying a little bit of the old country. It will certainly do two things:

1. Make me appreciate the blessings that I so easily take for granted

2. Make me love the Lord all the more that He could create something so beautiful - you should see this country side.

And, well, I'll throw in a third thing - I will appreciate the people and the culture here that clings to their heritage. It's a beautiful thing.

Have you figured out where I am?

I am in Walting. Kathy, I know that you already had it figured out!

Blessings everyone. Please continue to keep me in prayer as it relates to my last post.

Trips and Travels

Hey Bloggy Friends!

I just wanted to let you know a little bit about my schedule. I love posting blogs and I love getting your feedback. Therefore I have been evaluating another service that would make my posting a little easier. I haven't totally committed yet, but when I get all the details ironed out, I will let you know the new address. In the meantime, when you don't see a post, please know I am spending my post time evaluating and setting up the new site. At least that has been my current distraction.

Also, I have two big trips coming up for my job that will take me away for a bit. I won't have you guess - cause I don't know how to describe it. I may have you guess the country once I get there. Nevertheless, I'm writing to say that my blogging will be light for the next 2-3 weeks. But, please please please keep checking and responding. I love your comments. And, I promise you, I will post as often as I can.

I do need your prayers. I am dealing with a rather emotional issue right now. I know that I just need to stand still on this one, and that is what I am doing. But while my spirit is willing, my "fix-it" flesh is fighting me all the way. So, please join me in prayer that my spirit win out over my flesh and that I can stand perfectly still, knowing that God always has and will continue to take great care of me. I truly believe that. I just have to get my flesh in agreement!

OH well, (no, I'm not going to Ohio during my travels - that was not a hint - just exasperation!) everything is going to work out.

If you care to, please leave a Scripture verse of encouragement. I will read over them and feed my flesh with them during this time! And, as always, if you desire instead to email me, that's okay too.

Blessings and JOY!,

I won't stop!

I was listening to a song whose verses chant “I won’t stop.” The artist is singing about experiencing difficulties in his walk with the Lord but continuing to push to evangelize despite the odds. And, well, that spoke to me.

I think that I sometimes get comfortable in my walk with God, and in so doing, when things get a little hard, I get a little lazy. And, I don’t believe that I’m the only one. This song challenges my perseverance. We all need to persevere for our faith – that God be glorified.

I thank God for giving the artist those lines. I won’t stop. Abraham didn’t stop. Moses didn’t stop. Paul didn’t stop. We cannot stop!

I challenge you today to let your witness be – “I didn’t stop!”

Have a great Tuesday!

Joy at the Pump?

Joy seems to be one hard thing to come by when you look at the rising costs of things these days. In fact, I was in a great mood until I went to fill up my gas tank – which by the way was not on empty. I don’t drive a big car or an SUV – and in fact five short years ago, it cost me $18 to fill up. So, imagine how my mood changed when it cost me nearly $50 to fill up my car that was not on empty. I know I said that before, but I just wasn’t expecting to have to spend so much for something that goes out of my car so quickly. It put me in a mood.

I left that gas station upset. I don’t know why and I don’t know at whom. Several people are paying more for gas than I do but still – I’m talking about my wallet! But, then as I was driving off in a huff, I had a thought that I can only hope will visit me each and every time I go to the gas station. I am incredibly blessed.

I am blessed because I have the means to pay for the gas and I have a car to put the gas in. I still have what will soon be – or at least feel like – the luxury of being able to go as I please. I thank God that He has provided me with reliable transportation and the ability to maintain it. And, while I do not like those prices and cannot grasp how all of this is happening so fast – a new record everyday – I still trust that God will make a way for me – just as He always has. So, my grumpy mood, quickly turned back into joy when I realized that all that I have comes from His hand. I hope that helps you out a little today because it sure helped me!

Take Off Your Vest

How silly would we look walking around with a bullet-proof vest on?

Imagine it. Everywhere we went, we put on this bullet-proof vest. No matter what attire we were in - swimsuit, nice suit, or sweatpants - always wearing a bullet-proof vest. No matter the time of day - we'd sport that bullet-proof vest. I suggest to you that we would look pretty silly wearing that vest all of the time. And for those watching us, they would probably figure that we should be selected to appear in the very next taping of "What Not to Wear."

But, the truth is, some of us do walk around with a shield of armor protecting us. Sure, to the naked eye, we cannot see it, but to the spiritual eye, it's as noticeable as that bullet-proof vest. We walk around guarded. Yes, we are to guard ourselves from the activities of those that seek to do us ill-will, but we are not to be so consumed with guarding ourselves that we make ourselves unavailable to others.

It seems that some of us have allowed past hurts to determine how we will respond to others in the future. I did this. I was in a very serious relationship that was promised to end in marriage. Well, that relationship ended, but not in marriage. As a result, I became guarded - extremely so. I was not interested in letting anyone get too close to me. I walked around with my triple-layered bullet-proof vest on, and buried myself deep in the trenches of disappointment. I would recommend that you not even go there! It's no place for the living.

Instead, now I can look back and see the grand error of my ways. Keeping myself from living and meeting new people allowed the enemy to establish a stronghold in my mind. I always felt like anybody that approached me had an agenda. I was suspicious, anxious and paranoid. Yes, sadly I was. But, gladly, I can say that I'm free from all of it now. How did I get free? I had an encounter with the Lord Jesus and I then knew more than ever before that that was no way to live.

What I am trying to say - and not doing a good job of it at all - is nobody is perfect and even seemingly bad things happen to seemingly good people. However, our job is not to focus on the imperfection and the tragic events around us. Our job is to continue to live - and in doing so, give of ourselves to God in worship and to our fellow man in service. And, if it happens that you get injured on the way, take your concern or trouble to the Great physician - He can heal anything, anytime, anywhere - you just have to trust and know that He will. In the meantime, take off your vest and live!

Be Blessed!

I'm Going to be a Godmother!

This morning I feel pretty good. I’ve not been feeling so great the past few days, but today, I feel good. I have not been “sick” so-to-speak, but instead, I just was dry and off-pace. It seems that somehow my body has been slower to recovery from my travels and demanding schedule than usual. And, yes, Mom, if you are reading this, I have been taking my vitamins. Nevertheless, I am making an effort to turn this thing around. I hope that you are praying for me. I need your positive and uplifting prayers. Afterall, friends pray for each other right!?!

Can I share some good news with you? In the midst of all of this asynchronous feeling, I have been given an opportunity to be a Godmother. I have never been asked to fulfill such a wonderful role before – despite my claiming nearly everybody’s young child. But, now, I have this opportunity before me. After prayer and time before the Lord, (and a quick internet search to make sure I understood the responsibilities as well as a brief canvas of a few close friends as to how they are fulfilling their roles as Godmothers), I accepted.

Can you believe it? I’m finally going to be a Godmother!!! That bumps this child –unborn and all – right up to the very tip-TOP of the kiddies list! I cannot wait until he is born. I already have plans (I had these plans about 3 months ago – but, boy do I have plans now!!!). I say all of this to say that God knows how to meet our needs and answer our prayers – ultimately giving us the desires of our hearts.

If you have any advice for this newbie-Godmother, please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email.

God bless!

Obeying God

Hello everyone,

I hope that you had a nice Mother’s Day or were able to share Mother’s Day with someone that you care about. I decided to do something different this year. Generally, I visit with my mom on Sunday afternoon. But, this year, the Lord pressed on my heart to do it differently. I spent the weekend with my mom instead. And, you know what? I had a good time. I put down my busy schedule of activities that had to be done and only did the essential things.

I found out that through my obedience, nothing went lacking. And, that’s what I want to discuss in this blog. God has a plan for our lives but He always offers a choice. We can either do it His way or do it our own way. But, the greater harvest is always found in doing things His way. And, it’s not always “either, or” – sometimes what we want to do lines up with His will for us. I believe that we just have to get to the point where we desire Him more than anything else.

This weekend, I desired to follow the prompting of God on my heart. I wanted to be obedient to Him. I wanted to be even closer to Him. And, as a result of that, I got even closer to my mom. We worshipped God together in church. Generally, we worship the same God but at different locations. But, this year, on Mother’s Day, we worshipped together. That meant something to me. I think it has much to do with my listening to God. I was obedient.

In the book of Joshua, chapter 24, verse 24, it says:
“And the people said unto Joshua, The LORD our God will we serve, and his voice will we obey.”

When God presses something on your heart, it is my prayer today that you will heed and obey, for truly obedience is better than sacrifice.

Chatter, Chatter Everywhere!

I had to do a bit more driving today than usual. I ran some errands. With gas so high, I was non-too-pleased about wheeling around town. But, while I was driving I noticed something. In nearly every car I saw the driver on their mobile phone. When did we develop so much to say - all the time?

And then, I came home and saw on the news that 84% of us have cell phones. WOW. Why do we have so much to say? Since when was idle chatter all the rave? I know this must seem like a strange post, but the truth of the matter is, we talk too much.

The news broadcast also said that technology has enabled us to really multi-task. But, as we multi-task, our effectiveness decreases according to that study. So, we get more done but it's not as good. Kinda like when we talk on the phone and drive. We get where we are going, but our driving isn't as good because we are distracted. I can't count the number of times someone was driving and not paying attention and nearly ran into my lane. Thank goodness for my horn to snap them back to their current reality.

And then, I have some friend who really push the envelope of "not-so-smart-ness" (I thought that was a kinder way of saying it....Anyway, these friends text message and drive! HOW SILLY of them to think that it is okay to focus on a small screen with small letters to send a small message while behind the wheel of a multi-ton vehicle that could, if misnavigated, take the life of someone else - or themselves. I doubt that they would find it worthwhile when facing a bereaved family and vehicular manslaughter charges. C'mon people! Wake up!

Do we take that much interest in the things of God? When have you seen somebody walk around with their Bible like they do with their mobile phone? Is it read as much as they talk on the phone? Something to think about huh? I wonder what would happen if with all that chattering that people were speaking about the goodness of the Lord. Wouldn't that sound good to His ears? Wouldn't people become more and more encouraged? I for one think so. Talk less about nothing and more about something. Try to talk about the Lord in every conversation - even on the drive home! Or, try driving home without that mobile phone! Spend time talking to God instead. He longs for to commune with us.

Is Modesty Cool?

Modesty does not seem to be the "in-thing" these days. Even behind the stained glass of the church sanctuaries, hemlines are getting shorter and blouses and tops are getting lower. The whole "come as you are" movement in attire has helped to create an atmosphere where anything goes in regard to clothing. And, while if you don't have much of a selection for "church attire", then sure, come as you are. But, when you can do better, it is this blogger's opinion that you should.

So, what are the rules? In the Bible, Timothy certainly lay out some things for consideration when getting dressed. However, without ever cracking open the Bible, there should be some intuitive thoughts about our dress. For instance, if I put on a skirt that I automatically feel sensual in and know it to be an attention-getting skirt - that would be one that would not be appropriate for worship of the One True God. In fact, when we give our heart to God, then that selection of skirt should see its way out of our closet.

But that brings us to an interesting point - we cannot address the hemline until we address the heart. My friend Kristie sent a link to me from Sovereign Grace Ministries. There are excerpts from a book there. I hope that you will click through on this link and read about the Attitude of the Modest Woman. And, while you are there, you may want to read the other parts to this excerpt. I am sure it will stimulate your thinking around this subject. Also, you may want to check out this post from last week.


If you are reading this and you are living in
North Carolina,
Get Out to VOTE if you have not done so already!
I am so excited about our primaries. Usually, by the time that North Carolina holds its primary, the election is generally decided. But, not so this time. Bill Clinton has been all over this state. You would think he was running for the presidency - again. And, Hillary has shown up a few times too. Their base in this state is with the small towns so they are spending lots of time in the smaller, white working class communities. Barack Obama has made his mark on North Carolina as well. His base is with the metropolitan areas and populations, so he has been campaigning at those destinations. His wife, Michelle, has been to North Carolina a few times too. It's all been so amazing - all this traffic from these political heavy-hitters.
The commercials have been overwhelming too - almost non-stop. The main difference is that Hillary continues to hit below the belt with the "kitchen sink" politics. Barack has taken a noticably positive stance here in North Carolina. As a Christian, I admire that. He's not the only democrat being positive - Bev Perdue, has a positive campaign as well. She is running for governor.
I can say that I am so happy to be apart of this primary election - even if some parts of it are wearing on my nerves - like those non-stop commercials! I'm going to vote and make my voice heard. I love that I live in a nation where this is now possible - even for someone like me!

Hazardous Habits

We all have habits - we all have a manner of conducting ourselves. And, that is what I want to talk about in this blog. Our habits.

Before we get too far down the path, I want to first say that not all habits are bad. We brush our teeth daily - that's a habit - a manner of conducting ourselves. That is a good thing - a good habit to have - and one that everyone appreciates! (smile)

What I would like to very briefly examine here are the habits that shape our relationship with God. Richard Foster says "We are accustomed to thinking of sin as individual acts of disobedience to God. This is true enough as far as it goes, but Scripture goes much further. In Romans the apostle Paul frequently refers to sin as a condition that plagues the human race. Sin as a condition works its way out through the 'bodily members,' that is, the ingrained habits of the body. And there is no slavery that can compare to the slavery of ingrained habits of sin."

We tend to deal with the habits that we deem bad by asserting our willpower. The problem with that is that our willpower and detemination do not always hold out under pressure. It may work for a while, but eventually, this methodolgy falters. So, where does that leave us, except for leaning and depending wholly on God.

Will you do an examination? Will you examine your habits and make sure that they line up with God. And, in the event that they do not, will you then take those habits to God and ask Him to help you to release them. You cannot overcome them by willpower and determination but with God, nothing is impossible. Let's all do our part to rid ourselves - and ultimately our society - of hazardous habits.

Be Blessed!

Running on Empty

This week could best described as me running on empty. I know that I am not the only one. Everytime I happened to mention that I was tired or exhausted this week, someone else would chime in that they were in the same position. I think as a society that we are not getting enough restorative rest.

When I run, run and run, I start to notice something. I don't spend quality time with the Lord. But when I am full of things to do but take the time to put Him first, even the busiest of days seem somehow smooth. When I put Him first, things are not as hectic. So, what happened this week?

The answer - I got caught up in the "to do" list. Well, that light blinked on for me today! I was driving home feel worn out and thought about just how little quality time I've spent in the presence of the Lord. Look at how little my meditation and study time have been this week - and it's already Thursday! OH, I know I'm tripping.

In fact, I'm going to stop blogging now and do something that will be filling and restorative to my spirit. If you are having a similar week like me, then I pray that you will seek some restoration for your spirit as well as your body.