What are you good at?

What are you good at? That’s the question that has been haunting me. I’ve been trying to concentrate on the things that I do well. I’m doing this in an attempt to streamline my life. I realize, as I get older, that I need to “go deep” instead of “going wide.” Sure, there is benefit in knowing how to do a lot of things, but if I’m always engaged in doing so much of everything, then I’ll never get really good at anything. So, here I am, today, back to square one, trying to figure out what I’m really good at. Knowing this answer is the key.

I’ve started praying about this – I want to know what God wants me involved with. That’s the only way that I know how to do this and do it right. But, in the back of my mind, I wonder if I’m prepared for the answer… what if I have to let go of one of my pet projects?

That brings me to submission. This weekend, I preached a sermonette on God’s love. Yet, to fully recognize His love for us, we have to submit to it. Ah…the John 3:16 factor. I believe that God loves me. I believe that He has made me to be good at something. And, with prayer and with your help through prayer (yes, you reading this blog), then I will be able to accept His answer to the question posed.

By the way, what are you good at?

3 Responses so far.

  1. Kathy says:

    I've found spiritual gifts inventories to be helpful in highlighting what God's gifted me with. There were no HUGE surprises, but it was nice to have my suspicions confirmed in such a tangible way. Just google "spiritual gifts tests" and you'll have your pick of many. Hey, are you going to She Speaks? Shoot me an email! :-)

  2. Oh girl I am right there with you. I need to go deeper instead of wider. It is hard to give some things up for other things.
    Much love,
    OH-what am I good at? I am not sure-I am searching too. May God show us our strengths, talents, and abilities.