The enemy loves for difficult issue to become roadblocks in your life. I can see him in my imagination with his construction hat on building up that issue in your life to make it seem insurmountable. Yet, as long as we have the Lord with us, as long as we can call on our Father, no issue in our lives is insurmountable. Not a single one. I don’t care what it is. We can have the victory over the issues in our lives when we yield them up to God. Yet, some personal and difficult work must be done on our part in order to achieve the victory.
I liken it to training for an Olympic event. This training is more intense and rigorous because it will be played out on a world stage. Folks from everywhere will be watching. So, you have to be more intentional about your training to increase your chances of winning. For the Christian, that means being more intentional about prayer, Bible study, worship, fasting etc.
It breaks my heart when Christians do not fight for peace in their lives. I know that sounds strange but since your adversary loves to try to rob you of your peace with every chance he gets, you’ve got to step in to try to stop him. Fight for your peace. You do this with prayer and constant communication and communion with God. He’ll keep you in perfect peace when you have your mind stayed on him. Which brings me back to my topic. Nothing is insurmountable with God. Yes, at times, God will tell you “no” to something but you can have the victory by accepting that answer and praising God for responding. He knows what is best for you.
Don’t let the enemy keep you from moving forward in your life. Establish that intentional relationship with God and work at it like training for an Olympic event. And, when the enemy tries to block your path, know that you can leap over his roadblock and keep on moving to the glory of God!
Yep. I believe peace is one of the hardest things to maintain, even for Christians. But without it, our testimony is definitely compromised.