You just would not believe it. Remember a few posts back that I commented on the troubles I’ve been having with my toilet. Well, I’m having problems yet again! For two consecutive nights, its cup runneth over onto my bathroom floor – in the back part (reservoir portion) – unannounced – no warning. Now, I’m about the throw my hands up in the air!
I’ve got a wonderful plumber and hopefully he will be able to resolve this issue fully this time. Just when I was beginning to feel really agitated and irritated and other “-ateds” (smile), I decided to employ something that I learned at a Proverbs 31 conference a few years back. It’s simple and you can do it too – trust me, I was doing it in the direction of my toilet – extend your hands (as if to say stop) but then flash them (open/close/open/close) and say verbally “Grace! Grace! Grace!” Trust me, you’ll feel better. I sure did.
The plumber will come and fix the problem I’m sure. And, with this extra measure of God’s grace, it is my prayer that everything will be resolved to His good pleasure.
Praise Him that Grace, Grace, Grace allowed your "ateds" to be flused away! LOL!