You have to prepare the soil if you want to reap a harvest. You break up the ground, add fertilizer, mix, add seeds, water – then wait. If everything underground goes well with the seed, soon, above the ground, you’ll see results – and ultimately, you’ll reap a harvest.
My Sunday School class and I discussed harvesting for the Lord last week. We spoke about ways in which we can be used of God to harvest for the Kingdom. The challenge to the students was to spell out the word HARVEST and then witness to someone about Christ throughout the week. Harvest has seven letters. So, for each day that they did it, they would mark off a letter.
Well, some took up the challenge and indeed it was fun. No one reached the full seven days but it was okay. At least an effort was made on behalf of the Kingdom of God.
Will you reap a harvest for the Lord? Are you preparing the hearts of those around you who may want to know Christ but may be intimidated to ask you or maybe there is someone around you who thinks they can do just fine without Him. Are you preparing the soil by the way that you live your life? When you have an audience with this person, are you relying on God to use you to break up the ground of their heart? Are you adding the Word of God into your conversations? Are you praying with and for that person? If you answered yes, then wait and prepare to receive a harvest for the Lord. But, if you could not answer to the affirmative, then will you start today? It’s simple. H.A.R.V.E.S.T.
Great Idea!! How old are your students? (Just curious--it would be great for ANY age.)