My main motivation in life has is a relationship with Jesus Christ. That’s it. That’s what this thing is all about for me. I want a secure relationship with Him. I want to be Christ-like. Sure, I make mistakes, but at the end of the day, my goal remains the same – maturing in Him.
I’ve recently had a series of experiences that showed me my inadequacy in this area. I don’t profess to be some “super saint.” I’ve checked and there is no big “S” on my chest. I’m humbled to the point now that I recognize that I am the least of these. But, before I put myself down too far, I take hope in the knowledge that I am trying.
Some days are harder than others. Some times the enemy really knows how to dig underneath my skin and send just that right person to challenge me. But, no matter the attack, I am to show love, be kind and mature in Christ.
Growing in Him has benefited me greatly. The stuff that used to bother me, no longer does so. The folks that used to make me wanna holler, doesn’t affect me any more! You see, there’s benefit in knowing the Lord.
So, on today, I once again set out to make a difference for Christ. I don’t want to be the only one that has found the secret to purposeful living…
This is an apt description of what it means to daily "walk the walk" for Christians! We fall, we look to Jesus, and we get back up. Repeat. And repeat... I love the hope you shed on the whole thing though, because throughout the cycle, we do make progress. Jesus doesn't leave us where he found us, Amen?
Kathy - AMEN!
Yes the goal maturing in Him!
Much love,