There have been a lot of meeting at my job lately – which, means lots of catered food and leftovers. I generally do not indulge in eating the remaining food but yesterday was different. I saw something I wanted. Grilled Chicken Strips! Oh those little delicious strips of chicken breast were lying atop a handsome mix of field greens, tomatoes and cucumbers. Yummy! Fortunately for me, the meeting organizer happened by and said “take as much as you’d like, otherwise I will have to toss it out.” Well, you don’t have to ask me twice. As I picked up the tongs, a fellow co-worker came along and I told him what was just told to me… take as much as you’d like or it’s going to be thrown away. Well, you’d never guess what he said next with an air of absolute smugness… “I’ve already eaten. These are our leftovers and now it’s your turn.”
I almost blew off the attitude until I looked around at the faces of others who were partaking of the leftovers from the meeting. Their smiles turned upside down and they felt “taken down a notch.” We three were all female minorities. The one invited to the feast was not. Then it hit me.
We have to – absolutely have to – esteem others better than ourselves. We are not to look down on others or to think that some how anyone else is a second-class citizen. How we get up the courage to elevate our ownselves to some position of grandeur I’m not sure, but I do know this – God is no respecter of persons. He does not exalt one over the other and He loves us just the same. And, you can’t beat God’s love.
So, today, as you encounter others, esteem them higher than yourself. And, when you do, God will get the glory! Happy Friday!
I am not very good at hiding my reaction to things like that and I would have been appalled! My jaw would have dropped and I would've looked at the person as if to say, "Did you really just say that?" (I know that's how it would go down, 'cause I've been there!) I'm so impressed that you didn't use the salad tongs to conveniently toss a chicken strip smack across his face!! LOL! I'm sure Jesus was very proud of you for remaining humble. And I am too. :-)
Amen girl! If the word would only realize that.
Much love,
Kathy - good one! Quite frankly, I think I was just hungry. Otherwise, he probably would have gotten the salad tongs treatment!
Thanks for the encouragement!