Oooh weee! I got a blog award! I’m super excited. My friend Angela at Refresh My Soul has given this blog to me as well as a few other women whose blogs are sure to be fantastic.
I don’t know if I’ve ever told her, but Angela is one of the reasons that I started blogging. I went to her blog after the She Speaks Conference and really felt a connection to her through her writings. I, in turn, wanted to personally connect with others as well. That reason amidst others propelled me to write. I’ve gotten more consistent as time has progressed and more of you are asking me/prompting me to write daily. That’s encouraging to me. One thing I’ve learned is that you cannot always look at how many comments you get to determine the readership of your blog. I used to do that and would get discouraged. But, I have since gotten site statistics and see that I have a pretty good flow of traffic coming to the site. I pray that as time moves on that my readers will feel comfortable responding on a consistent basis to let me know their thoughts on what I’ve written. That will help me improve and it will encourage me to write more!
Angela, and my other She Speaks sister Kathy are faithful in their encouragement to me. For that, I say a hearty THANK YOU. You should check out their blogs too. Angela is here. Kathy is here.
Well, like the awards show last night, I hear the music playing. My acceptance speech is done. Much love to you all. Peace and God Bless!
Oh - and I must also send you over to my other friend's blog - Pastor Thabiti in Grand Cayman. Check him out - I'm sure you'll be inspired there too - he really blogs with purpose!
Thanks for the "thanks" --that meant a lot to me. And congratulations on your award. That was so cute how you tied it into the Oscar's! 'Tis the season...
By the way, I HAVE noticed how faithful you're being with posting on your blog. You and Angela both do a wonderful job of posting regularly. Oddly enough, I think my postings have grown even more sporadic! But I'm okay with it since I think for awhile I was just a little addicted. :-)
Well, you deserve this girl. I continually am encouraged by your blog. It is sort of a way to stay in touch too. However, the weird thing about blogs is more people are getting to know you and your thoughts but since they do not comment you have no idea! So crazy. Anyway,don't let the comments be your gauge. Deeper stuff gets fewer comments I have found. You, my friend, write deep-many people probably read and wonder how can I even add anything. Unless you have the gift of encouragement it is probably never given another thought.
I am glad you got a site reader. I use Google analytics and it is awesome. It even tells you all the countries that are visiting/much info. It is very interesting to me. There is so much info like where referrals come from, key words that bring people into your blog, etc.
Much love friend,
PS-I did not know that about your starting your blog after seeing mine. That is humbling. Blog world has brought so much more blessing to me than I realized it would.