Please God, Not Men!

I was watching a segment on television that concerned itself with reporting on how people looked as they walked “the red carpet.” They spoke about dresses and designers, shoes and accessories mixed in with other babble. And, I began to think how much time is wasted on meaningless thoughts.

This is what I’m talking about – how many times have you wondered if someone thought you looked good in a particular dress or outfit that you have on. Sometimes, that even weights in our purchasing decision. We concern ourselves with how people view us.

That can be tricky. Yes, we want to look good or even make a good impression. That’s understandable. But, the problem comes in when we make others opinion of us the focus. I’ve done this before. Nothing good comes of it. My advice – don’t go there. You see, the only opinion of you that matters is that of the Lord’s. His opinion matters.

I’ve come to the realization that I will not always “fit in.” In fact, most times, I don’t and that’s okay with me just as long as I “get in” to Heaven! That’s what matters. God knows just who He created you to be. Invest your time into finding that out and then live your life according to what pleases Him.

2 Responses so far.

  1. Amen! Those shows are so crazy. I was thinking the same thought.
    MUch love,