Eva Kor is a survivor of the Jewish Holocaust. I came to learn about Eva from my friend Kathy. Eva was a twin used in medical experiments. Nazi doctors valued twins so that they could test and monitor results between the two. There were times when Eva thought she would die, but she fought to hold on to life. She knew that if she died, her sister would be killed. The Nazi doctors would kill the surviving twin as they were rendered useless for experiments as an individual.
What I find most amazing is Eva’s unselfishness. It would have been easier and perhaps more preferable to die than to continue to endure the torture of those medical experiments. Yet, she didn’t give up – she didn’t give in.
And it would have been easy to hold a serious grudge against her persecutors for the rest of her life. But, she has not. Eva Kor publicly forgave the doctors and privately forgave her parents, for not being able to protect her. She is a woman with a beautiful heart.
I know that I’ve never experienced anything as horrific as the Jewish Holocaust. Yet, I know that there is hurt in my heart and scars from the past. Today, I am going to examine my heart to see just who I need to forgive. Will you do the same?
OH what a beautiful post! Yes, I have been examining my heart lately. God has been showing me things. It is great to work them through though painful it is good.
MUch love,
The invitation still stands if you decide to further your research and visit Eva Kor's museum in Terre Haute! Her example of forgiveness is nothing short of amazing.