I Did Not Drown

There were times this week when I thought I would drown. I thought the depth of my office work would drown me, and I thought the depth of my personal life would drown me. The enemy really knows how to whip the waves up in my life. But, this week, I did not drown. Sure, I swallowed some water, but I did not drown. Wanna know why?

Let me tell you anyway. (smile). I did not drown because of my Anchor. There is a song that says “my soul has been anchored in the Lord.” So, while it has indeed been a rough week, I’ve been able to cling to Jesus. Every time the trouble in my life would swell into a wall of a wave, Jesus covered me and let the waves splash down on Him so that I would be protected. Now, I know what it’s like to say that I’ve been in the safety of the Lord. He has watched over me and protected me all week long (and of course every day of my life but you get me right? – this week, I’ve really had to notice because I know that I was not sufficient in my own strength to keep myself sane to get through everything that has happened.) I’ve seen the hand of the enemy this week as he has attempted to kill my spirit but I’m still here. I’m still here to the glory of God!!!

I don’t know what your week has been like, but I hope that you will take some time to give God the praise. Good week? Praise Him! Bad week? Praise Him! I know I’m praising Him – I DID NOT DROWN! He kept me! Hallelujah!!!

Have a blessed weekend,

Fear Does Not Exist Near God

Let’s talk about fear – briefly. We could write and discuss this at length, but for the purposes I have this morning, let’s just give it a light dusting of a talk. Agreed?

The Bible is littered with scriptures that discuss fear. We are to fear the Lord but not to fear each other or our enemy. That says to me, that we are to worship God and have a humble reverence for Him and yet we are to turn to that same God with confidence knowing that He alone is able to protect us.

I thank God that He loves us like that. He’s better than a great parent, but He’s showing us the proper order of things. We are not to live our lives fearful of the situations that seek to rob us of our peace – no matter what they are – but instead, we are to cling to Him (like a dryer sheet does to your clothes). When we are that close to Him, we don’t fear anything. Why, because we are in the safety of our loving God and He does not fear anything. So, if you fear, it is a good indication that you are not close enough to God today. Draw nigh to Him and He’ll do the same.

Insurmountable Problems

The enemy loves for difficult issue to become roadblocks in your life. I can see him in my imagination with his construction hat on building up that issue in your life to make it seem insurmountable. Yet, as long as we have the Lord with us, as long as we can call on our Father, no issue in our lives is insurmountable. Not a single one. I don’t care what it is. We can have the victory over the issues in our lives when we yield them up to God. Yet, some personal and difficult work must be done on our part in order to achieve the victory.

I liken it to training for an Olympic event. This training is more intense and rigorous because it will be played out on a world stage. Folks from everywhere will be watching. So, you have to be more intentional about your training to increase your chances of winning. For the Christian, that means being more intentional about prayer, Bible study, worship, fasting etc.

It breaks my heart when Christians do not fight for peace in their lives. I know that sounds strange but since your adversary loves to try to rob you of your peace with every chance he gets, you’ve got to step in to try to stop him. Fight for your peace. You do this with prayer and constant communication and communion with God. He’ll keep you in perfect peace when you have your mind stayed on him. Which brings me back to my topic. Nothing is insurmountable with God. Yes, at times, God will tell you “no” to something but you can have the victory by accepting that answer and praising God for responding. He knows what is best for you.

Don’t let the enemy keep you from moving forward in your life. Establish that intentional relationship with God and work at it like training for an Olympic event. And, when the enemy tries to block your path, know that you can leap over his roadblock and keep on moving to the glory of God!

Eva’s Heart and Mine

Eva Kor is a survivor of the Jewish Holocaust. I came to learn about Eva from my friend Kathy. Eva was a twin used in medical experiments. Nazi doctors valued twins so that they could test and monitor results between the two. There were times when Eva thought she would die, but she fought to hold on to life. She knew that if she died, her sister would be killed. The Nazi doctors would kill the surviving twin as they were rendered useless for experiments as an individual.

What I find most amazing is Eva’s unselfishness. It would have been easier and perhaps more preferable to die than to continue to endure the torture of those medical experiments. Yet, she didn’t give up – she didn’t give in.

And it would have been easy to hold a serious grudge against her persecutors for the rest of her life. But, she has not. Eva Kor publicly forgave the doctors and privately forgave her parents, for not being able to protect her. She is a woman with a beautiful heart.

I know that I’ve never experienced anything as horrific as the Jewish Holocaust. Yet, I know that there is hurt in my heart and scars from the past. Today, I am going to examine my heart to see just who I need to forgive. Will you do the same?

Thanks Angela for the Blog Award!

Oooh weee! I got a blog award! I’m super excited. My friend Angela at Refresh My Soul has given this blog to me as well as a few other women whose blogs are sure to be fantastic.

I don’t know if I’ve ever told her, but Angela is one of the reasons that I started blogging. I went to her blog after the She Speaks Conference and really felt a connection to her through her writings. I, in turn, wanted to personally connect with others as well. That reason amidst others propelled me to write. I’ve gotten more consistent as time has progressed and more of you are asking me/prompting me to write daily. That’s encouraging to me. One thing I’ve learned is that you cannot always look at how many comments you get to determine the readership of your blog. I used to do that and would get discouraged. But, I have since gotten site statistics and see that I have a pretty good flow of traffic coming to the site. I pray that as time moves on that my readers will feel comfortable responding on a consistent basis to let me know their thoughts on what I’ve written. That will help me improve and it will encourage me to write more!

Angela, and my other She Speaks sister Kathy are faithful in their encouragement to me. For that, I say a hearty THANK YOU. You should check out their blogs too. Angela is here. Kathy is here.

Well, like the awards show last night, I hear the music playing. My acceptance speech is done. Much love to you all. Peace and God Bless!

Oh - and I must also send you over to my other friend's blog - Pastor Thabiti in Grand Cayman. Check him out - I'm sure you'll be inspired there too - he really blogs with purpose!

Friday Chuckles

It's soooooo Friday! YES! Not that I live for the weekends or anything, but I'm just ready for a little break from the day-to-day action. So much so that I thought I would share this funny video with you. Take the time to listen and I betcha you'll get a chuckle. It's clean christian comedy.

BTW - I can definately relate to the sampling at Costco. My family didn't do it but I recently did! My friend got a Costco Card and invited me to go along. I am a Sam's Club member but I was curious as to what the differences were at one store vs. the other. He sampled nothing. I sampled nearly everything - and yes, I was full by the time I left the store!

Anyway, Happy Friday and enjoy the video.


Lemons - Think Twice

Last night, I went out with a friend. I overindulged in cool, tasty, lemonade - the Minute Maid brand. Yup - I like it that much. As I squeezed the fresh lemons into my drink, one by one, imagine my horror when today, I say this video. Jump on over to this link and check it out for yourself. It makes you think twice about adding that slice of lemon to your drink.


Grace! Grace! Grace!

You just would not believe it. Remember a few posts back that I commented on the troubles I’ve been having with my toilet. Well, I’m having problems yet again! For two consecutive nights, its cup runneth over onto my bathroom floor – in the back part (reservoir portion) – unannounced – no warning. Now, I’m about the throw my hands up in the air!

I’ve got a wonderful plumber and hopefully he will be able to resolve this issue fully this time. Just when I was beginning to feel really agitated and irritated and other “-ateds” (smile), I decided to employ something that I learned at a Proverbs 31 conference a few years back. It’s simple and you can do it too – trust me, I was doing it in the direction of my toilet – extend your hands (as if to say stop) but then flash them (open/close/open/close) and say verbally “Grace! Grace! Grace!” Trust me, you’ll feel better. I sure did.

The plumber will come and fix the problem I’m sure. And, with this extra measure of God’s grace, it is my prayer that everything will be resolved to His good pleasure.

No Partiality

I’m beginning research on the Jewish Holocaust of WWII for a school paper. I am to relate the suffering the Jewish people encountered and endured to the Christian view of suffering. That’s going to be a tough assignment for me. I read over some of the history of the Holocaust last night. It made me want to cry. I cannot imagine how one person or group of persons could get to the point where they thought it feasible to exterminate other humans at will. The suffering – the senselessness – why?

What was more alarming was that nothing was done about it for such a long period of time. Refugees on ships were turned away and eventually ended up back in Germany – and ultimately killed. I can only think that fear governed the times. And then there is the debate that say that this never really happened – 6 million people slaughtered – no way. I say, yes, way. It happened. When evil rules without opposition, even something so horrid as this can happen.

I know that this is not the typical message that I post, but I think it merits consideration. I think we need to remember. Let’s do an attitude check. Who is it that we think we’re superior to? The homeless? The less-fortunate? I believe that if we look within, we can find an answer. And, when we do, we can – no, we must, exterminate that attitude of superiority. We are all God’s children – and He is no respecter of persons. (Acts 10:34) He doesn’t show us partiality. He shows us all His love.

The Value of Communication

I was speaking with a good friend of mine last night. He said something that you don’t hear much from guys – he spoke about the value of communication. I listened while he spoke at length on this topic and had a number of great points. And now, I want to share with you some of the highlights from our little chat – reworded of course, ‘cause I’m wordy....

  1. It is never too late to express how you feel – yet, when you do express yourself, choose your words carefully.
  2. If you cannot express how you feel, and be heard, then that’s a red flag. Sometimes when you talk and the other person doesn’t care about what you have to say, all they hear is blah blah blah (imagine the parents on Charlie Brown cartoons).
  3. Listen to the Lord and be true to yourself. Don’t hide behind excuses. God will give you clarity and in so doing, give you the peace that you need to be able to speak your position in a way that glorifies Him.

That was the gist of our talk. I hope that it encourages someone in some way today.

What are you good at?

What are you good at? That’s the question that has been haunting me. I’ve been trying to concentrate on the things that I do well. I’m doing this in an attempt to streamline my life. I realize, as I get older, that I need to “go deep” instead of “going wide.” Sure, there is benefit in knowing how to do a lot of things, but if I’m always engaged in doing so much of everything, then I’ll never get really good at anything. So, here I am, today, back to square one, trying to figure out what I’m really good at. Knowing this answer is the key.

I’ve started praying about this – I want to know what God wants me involved with. That’s the only way that I know how to do this and do it right. But, in the back of my mind, I wonder if I’m prepared for the answer… what if I have to let go of one of my pet projects?

That brings me to submission. This weekend, I preached a sermonette on God’s love. Yet, to fully recognize His love for us, we have to submit to it. Ah…the John 3:16 factor. I believe that God loves me. I believe that He has made me to be good at something. And, with prayer and with your help through prayer (yes, you reading this blog), then I will be able to accept His answer to the question posed.

By the way, what are you good at?

Lift Others Up

There have been a lot of meeting at my job lately – which, means lots of catered food and leftovers. I generally do not indulge in eating the remaining food but yesterday was different. I saw something I wanted. Grilled Chicken Strips! Oh those little delicious strips of chicken breast were lying atop a handsome mix of field greens, tomatoes and cucumbers. Yummy! Fortunately for me, the meeting organizer happened by and said “take as much as you’d like, otherwise I will have to toss it out.” Well, you don’t have to ask me twice. As I picked up the tongs, a fellow co-worker came along and I told him what was just told to me… take as much as you’d like or it’s going to be thrown away. Well, you’d never guess what he said next with an air of absolute smugness… “I’ve already eaten. These are our leftovers and now it’s your turn.”

I almost blew off the attitude until I looked around at the faces of others who were partaking of the leftovers from the meeting. Their smiles turned upside down and they felt “taken down a notch.” We three were all female minorities. The one invited to the feast was not. Then it hit me.

We have to – absolutely have to – esteem others better than ourselves. We are not to look down on others or to think that some how anyone else is a second-class citizen. How we get up the courage to elevate our ownselves to some position of grandeur I’m not sure, but I do know this – God is no respecter of persons. He does not exalt one over the other and He loves us just the same. And, you can’t beat God’s love.

So, today, as you encounter others, esteem them higher than yourself. And, when you do, God will get the glory! Happy Friday!

The LOVE Chapter

It's Valentine's Day - let's share the love by reviewing the "love chapter" - 1 Corin 13

If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love,I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge;and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.

And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked,does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness,

but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things,hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away;if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.

For we know in part and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect comes,the partial will be done away.
When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child,reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part,but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.

But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.

(Scripture is from the NASB translation.)

Live Alive!

For some reason, I have this song in my head - part of the verse says:

Made alive

No more sickness down here – no more sorrow

We’re going to be…
Made alive!

Then, of course, there’s a dramatic finish. Ah the drama.

Anyway, we don’t have to wait until we die or until Jesus returns to experience this joy of being alive. It’s all in how you look at it. Each day is an opportunity to be “made alive.”

God wakes us up each day and gives us a choice. We can either move around like zombies or be “made alive.”

Put some pep in your step today! Act alive!

This is the day that the Lord has made! Let’s all rejoice and be glad in it!


You have to prepare the soil if you want to reap a harvest. You break up the ground, add fertilizer, mix, add seeds, water – then wait. If everything underground goes well with the seed, soon, above the ground, you’ll see results – and ultimately, you’ll reap a harvest.

My Sunday School class and I discussed harvesting for the Lord last week. We spoke about ways in which we can be used of God to harvest for the Kingdom. The challenge to the students was to spell out the word HARVEST and then witness to someone about Christ throughout the week. Harvest has seven letters. So, for each day that they did it, they would mark off a letter.

Well, some took up the challenge and indeed it was fun. No one reached the full seven days but it was okay. At least an effort was made on behalf of the Kingdom of God.

Will you reap a harvest for the Lord? Are you preparing the hearts of those around you who may want to know Christ but may be intimidated to ask you or maybe there is someone around you who thinks they can do just fine without Him. Are you preparing the soil by the way that you live your life? When you have an audience with this person, are you relying on God to use you to break up the ground of their heart? Are you adding the Word of God into your conversations? Are you praying with and for that person? If you answered yes, then wait and prepare to receive a harvest for the Lord. But, if you could not answer to the affirmative, then will you start today? It’s simple. H.A.R.V.E.S.T.

Cool Your Jets!

I had something rather embarrassing happen to me. In fact, I contemplated whether or not I’d share it with you. But, alas, here I am. Ready to share. This is what happened. I fell. No one was around. I was going about my normal routine – in a rush – and my feet took flight right from under me. I hit the ground hard…and then I slid. I was going down an incline. I got hurt. But, I will survive.

And of course, while I was on the ground trying to gather my composure – I was shaken – I thought about the spiritual applications that could be drawn from this experience. So, here’s the deal…

When we go about our routine things, we should still take the time to do things cautiously and thoroughly such that God gets the glory. God can get the glory out of your doing the most menial of things. It all depends on how you look at it and respond to it. Yet, what happens sometimes is that we get in a rush because we become familiar with the set of circumstances and are caught off-guard when things change.

God wants us to always be alert to our surrounds and to take the time to enjoy the things around us. He does not want us to be so rushed and busy that we neglect the things that He has already blessed us with. He wants us to enjoy Him through these things that He blesses us with.

I don’t know about you – but I am going to slow it down a little bit. Well, I have to right now anyway – I’m still sore! But you know what I mean. Cool your jets and look at the beauty all around you. Now, tell me, isn’t God good!!

Please God, Not Men!

I was watching a segment on television that concerned itself with reporting on how people looked as they walked “the red carpet.” They spoke about dresses and designers, shoes and accessories mixed in with other babble. And, I began to think how much time is wasted on meaningless thoughts.

This is what I’m talking about – how many times have you wondered if someone thought you looked good in a particular dress or outfit that you have on. Sometimes, that even weights in our purchasing decision. We concern ourselves with how people view us.

That can be tricky. Yes, we want to look good or even make a good impression. That’s understandable. But, the problem comes in when we make others opinion of us the focus. I’ve done this before. Nothing good comes of it. My advice – don’t go there. You see, the only opinion of you that matters is that of the Lord’s. His opinion matters.

I’ve come to the realization that I will not always “fit in.” In fact, most times, I don’t and that’s okay with me just as long as I “get in” to Heaven! That’s what matters. God knows just who He created you to be. Invest your time into finding that out and then live your life according to what pleases Him.

On the verge of a new opportunity

Today, I am on the verge of a new opportunity. I woke up. Praise God. I got up. Praise Him again. And, now I’m going about my day. A new opportunity. It’s another chance to be kind and loving, graceful and dependent (on God). It’s another day to show forth His glory. Afterall, this is the day that the Lord has made – I’m going to rejoice and be glad in it. I’m on the verge of a new opportunity – and you are too! Make it a great day by living it HIS WAY!

Purposeful Living

My main motivation in life has is a relationship with Jesus Christ. That’s it. That’s what this thing is all about for me. I want a secure relationship with Him. I want to be Christ-like. Sure, I make mistakes, but at the end of the day, my goal remains the same – maturing in Him.

I’ve recently had a series of experiences that showed me my inadequacy in this area. I don’t profess to be some “super saint.” I’ve checked and there is no big “S” on my chest. I’m humbled to the point now that I recognize that I am the least of these. But, before I put myself down too far, I take hope in the knowledge that I am trying.

Some days are harder than others. Some times the enemy really knows how to dig underneath my skin and send just that right person to challenge me. But, no matter the attack, I am to show love, be kind and mature in Christ.

Growing in Him has benefited me greatly. The stuff that used to bother me, no longer does so. The folks that used to make me wanna holler, doesn’t affect me any more! You see, there’s benefit in knowing the Lord.

So, on today, I once again set out to make a difference for Christ. I don’t want to be the only one that has found the secret to purposeful living…

Tell the Devil to Take His Bags Too!

Someone sent this to me so I thought I'd share it with YOU!

This is powerful!

You got out of a bad relationship because it was bad,but you are still resentful and angry.(
You let the devil leave his bags)

You got out of financial debt, but you still can'tcontrol the desire to spend on frivolous things.(You let the devil leave his bags)

You got out of a bad habit or addiction, but you still long to try itjust one more time.
(You let the devil leave his bags)

You said, I forgive you, but you can't seem to forget and have peacewith that person.
(You let the devil leave his bags)

You told your unequally yoked mate that it was over,but you still continue to call.
(You let the devil leave his bags)

You got out of that horribly oppressive job, but you are stilltrying to sabotage the company after you've left.
(You let the devil leave his bags)

You cut off the affair with that married man/woman, but youstill lust after him/her.
(You let the devil leave his bags)

You broke off your relationship with that hurtful, abusive person, butyou are suspicious and distrusting of every new person you meet .
(You let the devil leave his bags)

You decided to let go of the past hurts from growing up in anunstable environment, yet you believe you are unworthy of love fromothers and you refuse to get attached to anyone.
(You let the devil leave his bags)

When you put the devil out, please make sure he takes his bags!


In The Remainder of 2008,
Let the devil take his bags with him!
Be Blessed, Healthy and Happy

Be Kind - Show Christ

Tomorrow, I am going to preach a message on being kind to each other. I know that seems a strange topic for professing Christians. But, nevertheless, I am going to bring the message that God has given me.

This week has been particularly challenging for me. I’ve dealt with folks that prefer sharp tongues and demeaning tones to gentleness and meekness. I’ve felt the sting of their barbs. But, through it all, I’ve tried to maintain a posture of submission with the hope that the light of Christ in me would so shine!

That’s the way it has to be today. We cannot go around returning barbs for barbs. The world is accustomed to that. What they need to see is someone living a Christ-like life in and out of church. That will make your witness more effective if they see you practicing what you teach.

It’s not easy. Many times this week, I’ve wanted to really speak my mind in such a manner that they would know exactly what I felt. But instead, I told my Jesus all about it and He found a way to soothe my heart as well as my circumstances. I cannot imagine why He loves me so but I am soooo glad that He does. And, because of this love that He demonstrates toward us, we who are Christ-like, need to demonstrate it back to a sick, sin-infested and dying world. Afterall, we live here for now, let’s make it a good place to call home.

I would that you would pray for and with me as I make these final preparations to preach. I pray that God will use this servant to be a blessing to those that will gather.