I had planned a "light" post today. But, as I sat down to watch the news, I couldn’t go “light” today. There is something gripping our nation. The vitriol is raging and I think that as Christians we need to do something about it.
What can you do?
The first thing is to pay attention to what is going on in our nation. The venomous build up and fallout due to the Healthcare legislation has been quite frankly astounding. I have my own opinions about it, but at the end of the day, my state representatives are going to vote their convictions. I voted mine when I voted certain of them in, and now, I have to pray that they will vote in the interest of the people they represent. That’s the way the system is supposed to work.
No matter where your opinion falls on this legislation, consider this: there is a way to debate without making it personally combative. There is a way to make a point without attacking and getting negative. I don’t have a problem with the debate of issues. That’s one of the very things that makes America great. But when that debate turns into death threats and spitting, name calling and bullying, vandalism of public offices and private residences, something is wrong. It’s a time for prayer. It’s a time to watch and pray.
Are you praying for our nation? Are you praying for our leadership? So much has been going on both locally and nationally that I feel like the enemy is trying to keep us off-balance and distracted. If we are so busy in-fighting with each other, then he has a greater chance of catching us unaware. He has greater probability to catch us off guard.
At the end of the day, we are not all going to agree with everything or everybody. We are a nation of 300 million plus people who do things in different ways with different motives. So, let’s realize the beauty in that and stop attacking one another. Let’s get the focus off of ourselves and what we feel is right for a moment and put our focus fully on God. If we cast our cares on Him, (1Peter 5:7) He is faithful to meet our needs, because He loves and cares for us. If everybody would stop with the vitriol, keep control of our tongues (James 1:26), and go down on our knees in prayer, things would work out. Healing would come. Harmony would ensue (2Corinthians 13:11).
We need to be careful with our tongues. We need to be alert to the condition of our heart. If, as a nation, we would rather see somebody or some family die because of a piece of legislation, we've got a bad heart condition. Laws, if need be, can be amended and repealed with civility. Let’s get a godly, heavenward focus. Let’s watch and pray.

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