I had the distinct JOY of spending time with my godson this weekend. By way of update, I am his biggest fan. Just in case you were wondering. At any rate, because he is such a precious little boy, I thought we would do something neat and spend a few minutes allowing him to "Guest Blog." If he were in my shoes, this is what I believe that he would type about his visit with me.
Hey Bloggy people, or whatever my Aunt Sanya calls you guys. I am her godson and I came to visit with her. She loves me. She's always smiling at me. She has a lot of teeth. But, that's okay, I do too. And when she shows me her teeth, I show her my teeth. And then, we both giggle.
When she takes off her shoes, I put them on. This was my first time showing her I could walk in her shoes, so she laughed at me. I walked all around her kitchen and living room. The more I walked , the harder she laughed and I smiled and giggled too. I'm glad she got a good laugh. I could see all her teeth and that little tonsil-ly thing too. At least, that's what she said it was. Do you think I have one too? Does everybody?
Anyway, she ran me all day. We played and played and when I got a moment to myself, I took a nap, but that was only in the car. When the car stopped, I was ready. Aunt Sanya says my batteries were recharged, but I'm not sure what she means. I thought only toys had batteries. What do you think?
We did lots of fun stuff and Aunt Sanya was snapping away with her camera...click, click, click. She's probably going to share more of those pictures with you later, but knowing her, she's going to find away to tie in something I did with the Scriptures. She's always talking about God and stuff. But, that's probably why she's my godmom. Well, I'm only 1 going on 2, so this is enough typing for me. I'll type with you later. Oh, call my Aunt Sanya if you want to come play with us sometime.
I hope you enjoyed the "guest blog" from my little guy! He is such a blessing. Happy Monday!

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