If one thing can be said about me, it may be this: once I commit to something, I give my all to it.
That has been especially true in relationships. I am the one that commits and believes all the sweet nothings that have been whispered in my ear. My heart is the one that swoons whenever he draws near. My smile is the megawatt that can be seen from afar.
They say wisdom comes with age, and this is true. Thank God, this is true!
Whereas before, I would jump in, right away, no delay... experience has taught me to look for the concrete before I jump in heart first. Experience has shown me what rushing in can do. I have had my heart splattered, pounded and ripped out of my chest in a rather merciless fashion because I rushed in. Because I didn't count the costs.
I was wounded. I needed to be healed. God did that for me by taking me through what I call reconstruction.
Reconstruction takes time if you're going to do it right. You've got to make an assessment of how much damage has been done. Once the damage estimate is together, you'll need to clear out the debris. From that point, you'll need to check the structural integrity and make any improvements to the base. And then lastly, after all that other work is done, you can start rebuilding. It's a long process but worth it, when done right.
Don't rush in with matters of the heart. The Bible instructs us to guard our heart. Part of guarding is taking thoughtful and deliberate actions, not just going with the flow or being carried along with the breeze.
Once more, I exhort you - don't rush in. What's the rush anyway?!
Take your time. You don't have to be quick, just be sure.
Picture from broken_heart_by_starry_eyedkid-1.jpg
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