Guess who is in town?
Need a hint? Well, he's the apple of my eye...he's not quite two years old...and he is the sweetest little baby - well, maybe not so little, but he's the sweetest little almost two year old that I know.
Now, you know who I'm talking about right? You guessed it!
CHUNKS is in town! (For those of you who are new to my blog, thanks for stopping by; "chunks" is the nickname that I gave my godson for the first few months of his life because he was well, kinda chunky - but in an absolutely adorable way!!!)
Anyhow, my little guy is in town and I tell you the truth (that's my southern coming out through the keyboard) there isn't anything I would not do for the little guy in making sure that he's taken care of. He's so precious to me.
Having not seen me in almost a year, his memory was a little dusty when it came to dear ole Aunt Sanya (notice I said "ole" not "old"). But in just a little while, as I played the game of "give attention and ignore" with him, he came around. We were laughing and giggling, and running in a parking lot (I know - bad Aunt Sanya)!!! I can't help myself, I see him so little these days and I love to see him smile. And so I thought you might like to see his smile too. Check out this picture.

Whoa! Chunks has gotten BIG since I last saw him. Whatta cutie!
Wow! He sure has grown! He's very cute! Love the haircut. :-)
Yep Kathy, he has gotten big since the last time I SAW HIm. His mom does a great job of sending me pictures of him, but seeing him in person is quite a different story. He's a big guy! And, agreed - whatta cutie!