Have you been paying attention to what's been happening on television lately?
When we turn on the television set, the morality factor that governed "tasteful" television in the 50s has long left the production studio. Instead, we see blatant displays of graphic sexual images - both heterosexual and homosexual. We see excessive drinking and hear cursing. And somehow, this has become common place.
Church services are on television too. Not all are good to watch, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ. I have seen and heard blatant mis-interpretations of the Scriptures, right on television. It seemed to me the focus was on personal prosperity instead of the real call of the Gospel. Speaking of that, we are never without the call for money through some popular phrases from some slick evangelists ... "sow a seed" ... "money cometh" ... etc.
Then there is the subject of what's permissible in church. I was on my computer on You Tube, which is essentially like watching television, and saw a preacher singing secular love songs in the pulpit - leading and encouraging his congregation to do the same. Most sang right along with him, in the house of God. I blogged about that here.
Anyway, it seems that even some houses of worship don't have God as the object of their worship. That's not right. Which makes me question - is the church sick?
The enemy has slipped in and we behave as if we are unaware. Are we? Or is it the case that we do know, but refuse to do anything about it. Is the church sick and afflicted with the cares of this world? Has the church lost focus?
Our enemy comes in like a virus or perhaps in some cases, a parasite, where the church is the host. And, he draws strength from the church, weakening it until he gains control.
Our airways are infiltrated now with his poison. Our churches go on - same as usual, with only a few strong pastors fighting off the disease, while some congregants watch their watches. Do you see this, or is it just me? Is the collective church sick?
The antidote can be found on our knees in prayer and repentance; through the reading and application of the Bible, but will we take the medicine or leave it on the counter?
I think it's about time we take our spiritual temperature to see where we really are.
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