I've been on the go this week. Perhaps you can identify. It seems like everybody I talk to has had a challenging week and we still have so much week to cover. I was tempted to feel a little frustrated with the pace of things. It seems like the more I cross off my list as complete, the more things creep back on the list.
New things.
Challenging things.
And, well quite frankly, I'm tired. Just. Plain. Tired.
I was tempted to complain to the Lord about how much work stays on my plate. I was tempted to ask Him for some relief. Not because I can't use time management to get my portion done, but instead, because I am tired. My body is saying "I just don't wanna...."
And then I remembered.
It's Holy Week. This is the week where we remember and praise God that even when Jesus was tired, He didn't stop. He didn't quit. He didn't sit down and refuse to go another further (like my grandma used to say).
As I replay the Passion of the Christ movie in my mind, I recall what sheer exhaustion looks like. Jesus, my Jesus, your Jesus, pressed His way to a cross that He never deserved.
He did it for you. He did it for me.
And, I've got the nerve to say I'm tired?!! Oh. Okay. Yeah. Thank you God for fresh perspective! I'm off now to get more work done, but not just to check it off and call it done. I'm working now, as unto the Lord, realizing that I have been privileged to do all that I do because of what He did for me.

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