Excuse me while I flash back, but do you remember a rapper named Big Daddy Kane?
I used to think he was cute. Emphasis on "used to." I was sooo young.
I digress.
Anyway, He had this song “Ain’t No Half-Stepping” back a long, long time ago. Well, I haven’t heard that song in what feels like a millennium – and still haven’t heard that song recently, but this morning, when I was reading my devo, “ain’t no half-stepping” popped in my mind.
In fact, the exact phrase in my mind was “ain’t no half-stepping” and then my mind followed it up with “cause we’re, cause we’re, cause we’re the get fresh crew.” Now, I believe this is happening because I’ve been sleep deprived! Nevertheless, as I was reading about God’s abundance in my life, I begin to apply said lyrics to my relationship just to see what I could come up with.
If I think about the fact that God is G.O.D, then surely, He’s no half-stepper. He has such abundance. In fact, out of every breathing thing, He’s the only one that doesn’t half-step. No one has as much as He has because no one else is the Messiah!
Ah…the Messiah complex. We struggle with that at some point in our lives whether we want to admit it or not. So, I’m not going to ask. I’m just going to stand with John Ortberg on that one.
Anyway, my devo says “for God does nothing in half measures.” That’s certainly true. When have you ever seen God do anything half-heartedly? Seriously. When? He doesn’t half love us. He doesn’t half supply the air we breathe. He doesn’t half sustain our lives. He doesn’t half-step.
So, then why is it that we feel that we can half-step with Him? We half-step at Sunday School and with church service. We make a decision that it’s alright to come late and leave early. We make a decision that we don’t have to study every day. We sometimes show up for ministry work and sometimes decide not too. Yep, we half-step, in one way or another.
But, I want to challenge you to take another look at this. God is gracious enough to forgive us when we half-step, so let’s do something that shows Him that we can be better. Let’s make a commitment that we will no longer half-step with God.
Will you be bold enough to tell the Lord, - and I know it’s bad English – but tell Him and mean it – “ain’t no half-stepping. I’m turning over a new leaf”!
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