I think something is wrong with my Google Analytics. Either that, or I messed up something when I moved a few things around my site recently. I checked my hit rate through Google Analytics and saw a very disturbing scene – no visitors.
You see, because I get more emails than comments on my site (how does that work y’all??? – I guess people I know are reading the site instead of people I don’t know??) I’ve learned that comments are not a way for me to accurately gauge traffic. Therefore, I started using a tracker so that I could know if anybody was reading this blog beside me!!! This tracker has been in place for years. Therefore, when I checked last week and it kept displaying no traffic I was alarmed.
Did I say something wrong? Did I offend?
Well, come to find out that NO, those reasons were not correct presumptions. WHEW! I found this out because I have a contingency tracker. I have two tracking services, and I believe I may have a third, with results going to an Inbox I don’t really check that much! The oh-so-nice and flashy Google Analytics that I love and a rather rudimentary tracker, that is functional, but not glamorous, that hasn’t quite working yet are the two I’m sure of! So there! It’s always good to have a contingency plan. And, it’s always good to appreciate the things that aren’t so glossy and shiny and neat.
I like contingency plans. Rarely do things go the way that we expect them to go. Having this contingency tracker in place allowed me some peace of mind. This contingency plan saved me some angst.
Yeah for contingency plans!!!
I like glossy and shiny and neat. Especially when we’re talking electronics! But, some times we need to beyond the exterior and look deeper.
Revisiting my former tracking showed me just how much I’d been missing – and how much I valued the information. So, take it from me, for most things, it’s good to have a contingency plan!
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