Praise and Know that He is God!

Your prayers for my presentation were answered. God did a mighty work and I am soooo glad that everything went as well as it did and now that it is OVER. Whew! Thank you Jesus!!!

One of my coworkers sent this video to me. Some of you may have seen it, others may not. At any rate, I felt it work sharing again. So, enjoy! And, then think to yourself - will you be among the absent? If you cannot be counted in that number, please leave me a message or contact me via my email address so that I can share Jesus with you. I want you to know the work of our Savior and to be among the raptured. Salvation is yours if you will receive Him.

4 Responses so far.

  1. Kathy says:

    I'm rejoicing with you that your project went well! That video is SO powerful! I'd seen the last part, beginning with the scene at church, but had never seen it all together that way before. Thanks!

  2. Kathryn says:

    Wow! Love that video. Where did you find it?

    Was blessed to find your site while surfing CWO. :-)

  3. Anonymous says:

    Praises go up as a sweet aroma to our God and He showers His creation with blessings. Everyday is a test of how much praise we have for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. When bad times are forever present, I step outside of my pity party for a hearty praise of thanksgiving. Christian women can face so many different issues in their faith walk. Even in this day and in the Bible days, women had to fight for their faith. I personally have the privilege of being a single christian mother of one God fearing son (Dylan). Many days when there's no help in site, we cried to a promise keeping Savior. Our Lord Jesus Christ promised me that He would take care of us no matter what it looks like. Therefore, we must focus on the creator not the problem. List of bills longer than digits on pay check, no food for tonight's dinner, no friend to confide in and no gas to make it home from work I had to refocus on God. During these issues of life, we would cry out and praise God with song. Many times in the midst of praising God, He has worked it out. Than we sit in awe of God's love for us.

  4. Kathryn,

    I got the video from a coworker but I bet it can be found on YouTube.

    Thanks for stopping by!
