Oh yeah! It’s Friday! And, despite the fact that my football team failed to make any points whatsoever last night, it’s still all joy today for me. My prayers are with our new quarterback that took a knee to the helmet and is in the hospital with a concussion. Maybe this injury will be used as motivation for improvement. I thank God that his situation was not worse. The team seemed to be injury-prone even before the season kick-off but I am still hopeful that they will have a good season.
Now, onto the history-making event last night! The Democrats nominated Barack Obama as their candidate for the presidency of the United States of America. I watched the Live event and couldn’t believe it. I am happy to see the progress made in our country. I think about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the marches and rallies that were made for equality. I think about the segregation that dominated our country – and well, to see a few decades later the product of a bi-racial union be nominated to lead this country – well, words cannot really describe how I feel. Maybe, just maybe, change is coming to America.
So, why talk about football and the Democrats? Well, both events happened last night. But, more importantly, they both speak to struggle. NC State struggled last night and was ultimately shut out at the end of the game. African-Americans have struggled in this country in the past due to the color of their skin, but last night we saw an African-American accept the presidential nomination. To me, it tells me a story – to never give up and to keep pressing. I’m not speaking of doing things on our own – with our own might – like NC State tried to do. I’m talking about the continuation of leaning on the Lord and pressing on when things do not seem to be progressing. With God on our side, victory is ours, no matter the actual outcome. Ask any elderly African-American who endured the civil rights injustices.
So, today, I am going to have a great day. I’m going to work hard at work and do the necessary things for my job. After which, I will complete my errands and be glad. I have much to do today, but I will keep pressing and know that God is with me, and through Him, I too can be victorious. That’s the wonderful thing about God – with Him, no matter who you are – you too can be victorious! Oh, how I love Him today!!!
Hello Bloggy Friends,
Sorry that I’m having to post later in the week this week. I’ve been slammed from morning till night working on a project. Prayers appreciated.
Have you seen the news lately? All the buzz is about the Democratic convention. The political pundits (and Republicans) are working overtime, reporting, spinning and casting. They must be even more tired than I am. Whatever happened to the days of “just-the-facts” reporting of the news – XYZ happened on Tuesday etc. I guess that was too bland.
Now, we have to listen to folks project their own opinion on something in which they have no control over – influence maybe – control, not happening.
It gets tiring really. One thing that really irked me was one broadcasting station’s scorecard of the event. The pundit recaps the evening and then tells viewers his spin on it accompanied by a letter grade – as if he is the teacher – as if this group asked for his grade. This pundit that I reference gave the Democratic stage – the actual platform - an “F” simply because he didn’t like it. He said it looked like a vegas slot machine. I personally thought the stage looked nice. See, subjective. And, if it’s subjective, it’s not “just-the-facts.”
Now, don’t get into a wild frenzy over my comments here. I’m neither Democrat nor Republican. Both sides need MUCH prayer, as a matter of fact, dont' we all. But, my point is that I’m looking for a much simpler experience when I watch television. After a long, hard day, all I really want to do is just hear the facts – not have to try to pick out the pieces of truth from the report of the day. And, whenever possible, since news clips and bits cannot be trusted – as we’ve seen lately with all the manipulation of video – then I’d prefer to see the whole speech or the whole show…LIVE.
But, then again, I guess I’m dreaming. Nevertheless, I will continue to watch this convention as I can. And, I will watch the Republican convention too, and hopefully, the news will become easier to watch – less postering and more plain facts…maybe.
Aren't you glad that God is a God of second chances?
I was just thinking about it now.
We mess up so many times but God is always right there ready to forgive us - ready to set us back on the right course again. I cannot help but marvel at His mercy and grace towards me over the years.
So, okay, over the last week and dare I say, the last 24 hours. God is that relevant in my life and I mess up that much!
I don't know why He still loves me. Neither will I ever comprehend why He still cares. But, the fact of the matter is that He does. He does love me. He does care. I have security in knowing that this is fact, not fiction, not temporary but permanent.
The good news is that He still loves you and cares about you too. No matter how many times you fall on your face, He's going to be right there, ready to receive your words of repentance, or whatever that case may be. He's good like that.
So, knowing that God is a God of second-chances and ready to allow you to redeem yourself when you fall, be sure that you are offering that same "courtesy" to your neighbors - to your friends. If God forgives you and allows you another opportunity, then you should, in the spirit of being Christ-like, offer up the same mercy and grace.
Thursday night, I rolled on over to Saint Amanda's in Garner. My pastor was preaching one night of their revival. And, I've got to tell you something - the Lord really used him. He was not operating at 100% in the flesh, you could see that on his face. But, one thing I do know, he allowed the Lord to use him 110%. The man preached the Word!
I believe that despite his physical condition, he came forth with the message because he believes in and fully trusts God. His faith in God allows him to do things that seem impossible to the eye. I have to give glory to God because I know that it was God's strength that sustained the preacher and it was God's message that came forth from the preacher. God is so good to us!
And it was such a timely Word. From my seat, I saw the faces of the people as God used the pastor to speak directly to their situation. I saw the knowing nods. I saw the conviction. I saw the trust. I saw the appreciation. I saw an eye full.
I did not leave that place the same way that I came in either. I was even more encouraged in the faith. I know that God can and God will use me when He deems it appropriate. I know that God can and God will continue to watch over and keep me. I know that my times are in His hands. And, I know that I love God more than ever and that this love will continue to grow.
May God bless you to have a great weekend!
Yesterday, I was frustrated by the decisions of some folks that I have to interact with. The reason I was frustrated was that I had a clear goal in mind and a solid methodology to get to that place. When that pathway was not agreed to, I noticed a little thing called frustration rising within me.
I had to tell myself to “stop”! (sometimes talking to yourself isn’t crazy!)
Because if I did not stop the frustration train, it would have built up to anger, resentment and a whole lot of negative carriers that would have resulted in my caboose gliding out of the door – just like I was on rails!
I love the Bible because it recognizes that we are going to make mistakes – we will get frustrated – we will want to quit or give up on the task at hand, but it tells us to persevere and it tells us to sin not – to get things right – to not let pride trip us up. And, for that, I am most grateful.
The Bible has lots of practical advice for today.
So, today, I am much better – not even frustrated. Today, I am focused on the outcome of things from yesterday, recognizing that even in the choices made, I will find a way that God will be glorified. If I keep the focus on Him, then I can work for His glory. But as long as the focus remains on me, I will get frustrated while working.
I hope that you can understand this post today – and maybe some of you will be able to relate. The goal in our working, whether secular or not, is not that the “best” idea win but instead that God be glorified. And, one thing I know to be true is this – if you will submit to the Lord, He will exalt you in due time! Watch and see!!
It occurred to me today, that some of you may be feeling like you are not being recognized as a key person in the environment in which you operate. At your job, you may not be feeling like your co-workers recognize your importance or your contribution to the team – when truthfully, you carry the team. Your family may not even notice that you are the glue that holds everyone together. Your community may not perceive your behind the scenes work to make the whole area beautiful. You may simply feel under-appreciated this morning.
I know this feeling. And, it used to beat me down until I realized something one day. The one thing I realized was this – it may not be the case that everyone recognizes your work, but God sees and He knows your every activity.
When we work, and go about our daily activities, we are to do it with recognition that all we do is for the Lord. We are to glorify Him in all of our activities and not do anything with the expectation that anyone will notice, or appreciate, but only with the understanding that what we do is for Him alone. So, don’t worry about pleasing or satisfying others as your main goal – work first to please the Lord.
Can I tell you something? Last Friday, I was disappointed. Something happened in a way that I really did not expect nor care for. As I mumbled my way through my disappointment, God caused me to know something about Himself. God never disappoints. He never fails. He always keeps his promises.
I began to look back over my life. I began to think back at the many disappointments in my life. Unfortunately, those disappointments are not hard to recall. I remember them – and some I remember rather explicitly. But now I have a choice to make.
I can either linger in the past disappointments or I can gather myself and get up from the pit. Now, a few years ago, I would have just set up camp to have my own brand of “pity-party.” And, boy, could I really through a pity party. I was really good at it.
But, now, I know that the longer my pity party lasts, the longer I deny and lock myself out from the power of God. When I through the pity party, I praise the situation and the evil forces at work in that situation. But when I decide that no matter what, I’m getting up from that situation, then I glorify the Father.
I realize that all my help comes from the Lord. He is my source and my sustainer. He is my strength and my shield. He is a “party” all in Himself when I get lost in Him.
Therefore now I realize, the victory is neither in the disappointment nor the pity-party, but the victory is in taking the hand of the Lord and lifting myself up out of the ditch – or pit – depending on how far we’ve fallen.
Dear readers, my admonishment to you today, is to get up out of that pit of disappointment and get on with your true purpose – praising God. And, when you do this, you will find that serving the Lord is more rewarding than anything else on Earth.
It is a brand new week. Praise God.
I have much to look forward to this week. My friend Angela is going to post pictures from her mission trip to Malta. Her blog is here.
My friend Sandy will be celebrating a birthday this week. It’s a blessing to see another year.
Another friend has made it home after being away for almost 2 months for business. God delivered him there and back.
I have a job to go to which gives me money to pay the numerous bills that come my way.
I plan to go run errands and go to meetings this week.
I don’t have anything “big” going on. But, I praise God for all the things that He has and is doing. I am realizing that worship is not just in the big things but it is in the rudimentary things of life that compose every single day. Each day is a good day to be in the presence of the Lord. Each day is a good day no matter what happens because it is the Lord that gives us each day.
I want you to know today that no matter your circumstances and no matter what happens, you have an opportunity today to appreciate all that God is doing in your life. Tomorrow is not promised. Yesterday is gone. All we have is right here and right now. And, because I have even this, I praise God.
Not many of us will confess to being arrogant. Yet, we can sometimes behave in an arrogant fashion when we refuse instruction. I’m talking about godly instruction.
Some of us will not submit ourselves to teaching because we feel that we know it all already. That’s why we cannot ever make it to events where the Word of God is broken down into bit-sized pieces.
Some of us will not listen to the Lord because we feel that we have already devised a full-proof plan and that somehow our ways are better than His. That’s why we do not spend time in prayer and meditation – listening to what God will tell us.
Now, we may not openly confess these items. We may not even realize it. But, when we take a closer look at our lives, certain things about us come to the surface. And, if you are reading this and saying it’s not you, to God be the glory, but keep reading just in case you can use this material to help someone else…
I was reading Isaiah 29 where the people honored God with their mouth and lips but not with their heart. Their reverence of the Lord was more of an intellectual thing than a worship thing. They had been taught that this was the right thing to do. And whether they realized it or not, they had taken on an arrogant stance towards God.
Why do I say this? Arrogance takes on the attitude of superiority. If I think carefully about this – if I can attempt to commune with God, yet not be moved – doesn’t that mean that my view of God is too small – or maybe I’m too big, placing myself in a position of superiority. If I can open my mouth and recite something to Him yet not engage my heart, I have now taken on an attitude that whatever is keeping me from engaging my heart is more important than God. This is an attitude of superiority. It is the lack of putting God in His rightful position.
It is relying on what we have been taught instead of relying on God. Yet, if I rely on my teaching, then it takes superiority over my learning to rely on God – I’m too busy relying on my teaching. Yet, just as in this chapter, we will soon know that God will not be mocked. We must depend on Him. We must lean on Him if we are to thrive as Christians. Believers do not have room for arrogance.
God has revealed enough of Himself throughout the Scriptures that there should not be any doubt in our hearts about Who He is. So, therefore, we must confront the part of ourselves that dares to be arrogant; believing in its own self-sufficiency. We must then come to a point in true wisdom – knowing that God alone is our source.
Rejection stings.
I was thinking today about how sometimes you will choose something that does not choose you in return. Hence the rejection.
For instance, I like milk but milk does not like me – I’m lactose intolerant.
I like popcorn, but popcorn does not like me – upsets my stomach.
It gets deeper.
There have been two relationships that I would have preferred to keep, but the guys did not prefer to keep me. The rejection stings all the more when you were promised marriage and end up still single – no wedding bells of joy. Only the sting of rejection.
Or, you could be happily married but the rejection is on your job or career field. You choose a certain field but it seems like you cannot get any traction in it. You are repeatedly rejected – interview after interview.
Or, you could be rejected by your peers. And there are many aspects to this rejection.
But, can I tell you this one thing. Rejection does not define you.
Sometimes we get down on ourselves because we don’t fit into the mold that we desire, or we don’t get to live out the dreams that we desire. Our lives don’t pan out the way that we planned since we were 10 years old etc etc.
People are indeed entitled to their own views and sometimes, in exercising their free will, rejection comes. Things do not always work out the way that we would like. But, we have to accept the rejection.
I know that seems a strange statement. But you would not believe the times that I have known of a rejection but refused mentally, emotionally and/or physically to accept it. I kept trying to work my way around the brick wall of rejection. But, I never got around it until I accepted it. Once I accepted the rejection, then I could move forward. Simple enough, right?
The key is not to internalize the rejection. I will say it again – rejection does not define you. We have to keep the proper perspective. In exercising their freewill, people who walked among the same streets and lived during the same time as the Son of God, rejected Him. They did not believe Who He said He was. Some of them could not accept Him because He did not come in the package in which they were expecting. But, it did not stop Him from being Who He was then and is now. He is the Son of God – His name is Jesus. It does not matter that some accepted him when things were good and then when the road got tough, rejected this same Jesus. Rejecting Him does not stop Him from being who He is.
The same is true with us. Rejection does not define us neither does it keep us from being who we are.
So, if you are feeling rejected today – take heart. God does not and has not rejected you. Rejection does not define you. If the Son of God can be rejected, don’t be surprised if you are rejected. Take your hurt to the Lord, and move forward with your life.
And just where did the morning go? I planned to post something to the blog early this morning but then…well, nevertheless, here is Monday’s post, on Monday afternoon! (sorry!)
This weekend was great. I had the opportunity to reconnect with some family members that were in town and catch-up. Also, I had the opportunity to baby-sit – well, I should say “puppy-sit.” I kept the two pups this weekend. They were really good – they love to play – I do too, so they wore me out! I was exhausted when they left Sunday. But, nevertheless, I really enjoyed them. And, now the house is quiet again and I don’t hear those little feet racing around on my linoleum floors. Humph. It’s amazing the things that you get used to. Friday night I was having trouble communicating with the pups. They love to be talked to – but I wasn’t sure what to tell them.
Should I tell them about my work week and the victory that I experienced on Wednesday and the relief I felt on Thursday and my ambitious schedule prior to their arrival on Friday? Nah. Should I tell them about our plans for the weekend and how much fun they would have? Nah. What should I tell the pups?!
Well, I decided to tell them a few things – one being that I loved them and welcomed them at my home. They loved that news – evidenced by all the “love licks” they gave me. And, then I decided that as long as I was talking to them in a gentle way, they wouldn’t care about the topic of discussion. So, this weekend, “we” talked about a great number of issues. They always responded the same way – happy ears, bright eyes, ready tongues. You just have to love pups.
And well, I would never try to compare creation with the Creator, but I did have a thought this weekend. It does not matter how trivial the matter, our God wants to hear from us too. He does not only want to hear about the valley low experiences of our days – He wants to hear about the mountain-top experiences and even the mundane. I believe that He stands ready to hear any and everything that is on our heart and mind. So, today, whatever it is that you are thinking about – tell it to the Lord. You don’t have to get all fancy with it either – He just wants you to speak with Him and commune with Him.
Get talkin’!
Your prayers for my presentation were answered. God did a mighty work and I am soooo glad that everything went as well as it did and now that it is OVER. Whew! Thank you Jesus!!!
One of my coworkers sent this video to me. Some of you may have seen it, others may not. At any rate, I felt it work sharing again. So, enjoy! And, then think to yourself - will you be among the absent? If you cannot be counted in that number, please leave me a message or contact me via my email address so that I can share Jesus with you. I want you to know the work of our Savior and to be among the raptured. Salvation is yours if you will receive Him.
I have been looking at a computer monitor all day and all night. But, it's okay. I'm working on my project and God has been helping me through it all.
Hard work does not really seem like hard work with a few key ingredients: prayer, dependence on God, the right attitude, and perseverance.
So, that's what I am taking with me today. I will get this done and it will be to God's glory. I am so thrilled about what He is doing - even though I have no idea what He is doing in my life. I know some things that I would prefer that He would do in my life, but I am just continuing to put those things before the Lord and trust that He will answer me. He will answer - yes, no, or wait. He does answer prayer.
Anyway, I'm rambling - probably because my mind is tired - and well, so are my eyes. So, I solicit your prayers this week - particularly on Wednesday when I make this presentation. I would be honored to have your prayers.
Thank you in advance!
I've got quite a busy week ahead of me. Lots to do - little time to get it all done. But, I am just going to go on record now to tell you that God is so good. He is so faithful. And, I am believing even right now that everything that needs to get done will be completed to the glory of God. I will have peace as I make the necessary preparations, do the work and present the findings. I thank God today for His power and His anointing - His equipping of me for such a time as this.
I've been praise-happy lately. And, you know what - God is worthy of it all. He is worthy of even more than what I've given. He is worth praise all day, every day. I believe that. And, that's what I'm going to Heaven to do.
If you were to look back over your life in the past week - can you not see the hand of God in everything? I can. And, I make this declaration. He is worthy! Worthy! Worthy! of all of my worship and all of my praise.
So, as you start this week, start it with HIGH praise for God. He inhabits the praises of His people. And, He is praise-worthy!
The second message from the Revival did not disappoint. Once again, God used this powerful man of God to deliver his message on counting it all joy! I remember that my aunt used to always tell me to count it all joy. That was her thing. She stood on that Scripture for a long time. And, that's the way our attitude towards everything should be. We need to count it all joy!
Good times - count it all joy!
Bad times - count it all joy!
In-between times - count it all joy!
As Christians, we can do this no matter the state we are in when we are fully submitted to God. Fully submitted, we can look at Him in the proper light and with the proper view - He alone is God. He alone is worthy! We exist for Him - to give Him glory.
When we are fully submitted to God, we look to Him for our marching orders - for our next step - for His will in our lives. And guess what, in looking to Him, we lift our heads up toward Heaven to see what He will say to us. Therefore, we can look up - lift up - raise up - worship! All our help comes from the Lord so we can count it all joy! JOY! JOY! JOY!
Now, this does not mean that you will not go through things. Some of the things that I have been through have ripped my heart out (it felt like it anyway) but I have persevered and now I count it all joy. Looking back, it's all joy! God uses some experiences to humble us, but it's worth counting as all joy. God uses some experiences to grow our patience, it's all JOY. JOY! JOY! JOY!
So, I'm encouraged and looking forward to the last night of the revival. I am counting it all joy - Joy in Jesus!