I bet you already know that I’m about to talk about a song… This morning, the lyrics that are floating around my head are “standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior, standing, standing, yes, I’m standing on the Word that’s in my heart.” Which brings me to an interesting place this morning.
What Word is in my heart?
There are many different ways that the Word can get in your heart.
(a) Attend church and as the pastor preaches and you are willing (the two have to go together, then you will get the Word in your heart. If your heart is hard, then you won’t get the Word in your heart. If you are receptive, then it can seep on in.
(b) Listen to music that teaches the Word of God. You cannot get the Word in your heart by listening to things that contradict the Word of God. Those things don’t agree.
(c) Study your Bible and Christian-related resources. Notice the order. Bible first. When you study for yourself, you feed yourself – your spirit. And, once you have feasted on the Word, it is stored in your heart.
(d) Talk with others that have the Word in their heart. They are always ready to share their experiences with the Word of God. Yes, they are – so be ready! Have some time on your hands! :-)
So, presuming that you already have some Word in your heart, it’s time for an examination. What’s in there?
It’s important to take inventory so that you have the appropriate equipment to stand on in the time of storm. It is not enough to know just one thing about God – He’s multi-faceted. He’s multi-dimensional. We can never learn it all but we must learn of Him. How can you say that you love someone when you don’t know them?
So, take a heart inventory. And when you are done, know exactly what you have to stand on.
I love this blog post. Having a word down in your heart helps you to effectively deal with all kinds of life situations. I always try to keep a song on my heart. For the past couple of months, it has been the song, Magnify by Marvin Sapp. It helps me to keep perspective of who is worthy of the praise.