Cheesy Chicken Mac

Yum-o! (does Rachel Ray say that?) Anywhoooooo -gotta tell you about my new yummy receipe.

Last week, I was at a conference and they served an interesting dish for lunch one day. I thought it strange and well, rather cheap considering the money my company had laid down for me to attend said conference. But, as I piled it on my plate, I began to see that just maybe, this was going to taste pretty good.

So, when I got home, I made the recipe by remembering what I saw and tasted! I named it the Cheesy Chicken Mac. I used the following ingredients:

  • chicken
  • whole wheat elbows
  • four types of cheese (Kraft) plus sharp cheddar (I think they just used cheddar)
  • mushrooms (my addition - I make any excuse to include mushrooms in my casseroles)
  • peas (my addition - for color)
  • sour creme
  • creme of chicken (my addition - just to add a little umph of more flavor)
  • chicken stock
  • onion (my addition - seasons it lightly)

Essentially, I threw it all together once I cooked the chicken and noodles, then put it in a baking dish, topped it the remaining cheese and a bit of stuffing and YUM-O!

It's not figure friendly, but it is soooo good. Let me know if you try it. :-)