Music ministers to me. No matter what I am doing, at some point, a song may pop in my head that speaks to my direct situation or provides some wisdom and guidance that I can use in my counseling. I love the ministry of music.
That’s why it is so important that we pay attention to music today. Music has a way of getting into our very spirits. When we listen to God-glorifying music, we are prone to respond in worship. When we listen to devil-glorifying music – the same applies.
Now, I know that some of you just shrugged or had an adverse reaction to my last statement. But, it’s still true. Pay attention to what you listen to and then watch how you respond.
When you listen to praise music, don’t you just find yourself glorifying God by clapping your hands or singing along? Now, compare that to when you find yourself listening to non-Christian radio or songs.
If that song has a strong beat, other parts of your body begin to move – check out what’s moving….
When I used to listen to secular music, it was easy to move from the two-step (you know that side-to-side thing we do when we are warming up to take over the dance floor) – anyway – I could move from the two-step to full-fledged dances that I would not dare do in church in front of an assembly of worshippers. Hmmmm. My flesh and spirit were not agreeing. So, I had to cut that type of dancing lose. I was a young Christian then and well, the Holy Spirit had to teach me that I should and could do better than that with the body that God gave me. And, back then, my body could really move!
Now, not so much. But, with age comes wisdom!!!
On GMA this morning, there was a discussion on lyrics that on the surface appeared innocent but in actuality were far from innocent. They mentioned Brittany Spears’ song that is #35 right now on the Billboards – I missed the title of the song – sorry. And, then they gave the classic example of Puff the Magic Dragon. And, well, everyone knows what was going on there.
Children were listening to these songs and figuring out the meaning. Pre-teens, y’all.
So, please, be careful about what you let minister to you. It can shape your direction in a way that you do not need to be going.
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