A former pastor used to say "keep the main thing, the main thing." And, he was right. Too often we lose focus and before long we end up off course and away from the direction in which God intended for us.
I got an email today about a particular campaign push. A group of people are encouraging those "like-minded" individuals (their words, not mine) to send mail to a particular place in a particular colored envelope on a particular day for a particular cause. And, while their intent may be good, their aim is misguided. For this said cause, the problem is not the person or institution to which they are addressing the mail. The problem is the underlying sin.
The person/institution to which this group is directing their anger/anguish/outrage toward had nothing to do with the condition that is at hand. In fact, the perpetrators are those who made the decision to participate in an act that could and often does lead to a particular condition. This choice, in the wrong environment, is sin. Yet, this group, has wrongly tried to place the blame on this one person/one institution. This group is not keeping the main thing, the main thing.
So, therefore, please consider everything and every angle when you make your decisions. Keep the main thing, the main thing. We are not living to blame others for our own choices, but instead we are striving to be accountable to the decisions that we do make. We are striving to keep God as our focus. We are striving to become more-Christlike; keeping the main thing, the main thing.
Keep your focus on the main thing.
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