More recently than I'd care to admit, my faith has been challenged. I'd been fighting this thing off of me for some time and I finally got a little weary. Uh oh... I needed to recharge my faith batteries and get back to the place that no matter what, I trusted and believed that God would solve THIS situation. That's right, even this one. Yet, the more I tried to pump up my faith, the less my faith was pumped. I liken it to trying to pump up a bicycle tire with a foot pump with the nozzle improperly placed. You hear the air being pushed out of the pump but it's not going into the tire. End result: exhaustion, frustration and a flat-tire...still.
After a series of "game-escalating" activities, I came to this conclusion. It's not the things that I am trying to do that keep failing. It's what I'm trying to do to get to the answer. Instead of seeking His face, knowing that He will provide for even THIS situation, I've been seeking His hand - doing any and everything to try to get Him to tell me that He's going to work this thing out. But, that's already been revealed to me in His Word. Have I been asleep these years of my life or what?
So, now I rest in knowing that instead of trying to get God to answer me, I will just live a righteous life in faith knowing that God knows what I need. And, when He is ready, He will address THIS situation. To Him be the glory!
So, take a hint from me today. If you are struggling with God over an answer to a situation, stop now and just believe. Believe that He is going to work it out in due time and you don't have to worry about it. Just believe. Just trust. For the righteous live by faith!
I love the bicycle foot pump analogy. How many times have I thought "Lord,I'm doing this. Why isn't that happening?" Ah, but I am learning. Thank you so much for sharing. We also thank you for your attendance to the Spiritual Endurance Conference and for praying with Dr. Forte. Be blessed!
OH girl God just revealed this to me, "Instead of seeking His face, knowing that He will provide for even THIS situation, I've been seeking His hand" Great wording!
God is so good though, huh? Great post!
Much love,