It's so easy for the adversary to sneak in when we least expect it.
We go about our daily routine ... then we get busy ... and then that time for devotion and time alone with the Lord just slips away... and one day turns into two... two days turns into three... three days turn into two weeks... two weeks turn into "I don't know when was the last time I spent quality time with the Lord."
Meanwhile, the enemy is busy too. He wants to distract us just a little bit at first. He's patient. He can wait. So, he distracts us with the emergency and makes us rush so that we forget to pray - or feel that we don't have time to pray. Then he makes his next move, but it's so subtle, you don't even notice it. And before long, he's got us right where he wants us - with a gap between the Father and ourselves.
He wants us standing on our own feet. Self-reliant.
God wants us on our knees in prayer or leaning on Him, alone. God-dependent.
A few of my friends and I are going to spend a year with God together through a daily devotional. We will be utilizing a common book that has a journal component to it. We're looking forward to it and I believe it's going to be a great time of worshipping God together. But, what I like most about it is that we are going to be able to better recognize the attacks that come - we will be better able to recognize that subtle move of the enemy so that we don't get so far off track that we can't remember when we spent quality time with God. It's when you think that it can't happen to you that it's already happening...
If you do not already have one, make a plan to get an accountability partner that will HELP keep you focused on God.
You are so right about the enemy distracting us from spending time with our Father. Satan understands how precious our relationship is to God. My daily relationship with God is beneficial to my spiritual as well as to my physical and mental state. A couple of weeks ago I felt overwhelmed with not having enough time in a day to complete my daily tasks. It can be some what frustrating when I can't finish the tasks listed on my schedule for a day. However, I sat down and thought about why getting my normal daily task seems to be too much for me to handle. Moments later I realized that it was my prayer life that had been neglected. Some of the many benefits to an active prayer life are enough time in a day to get things done with a peace of mind.