A former pastor used to say "keep the main thing, the main thing." And, he was right. Too often we lose focus and before long we end up off course and away from the direction in which God intended for us.
I got an email today about a particular campaign push. A group of people are encouraging those "like-minded" individuals (their words, not mine) to send mail to a particular place in a particular colored envelope on a particular day for a particular cause. And, while their intent may be good, their aim is misguided. For this said cause, the problem is not the person or institution to which they are addressing the mail. The problem is the underlying sin.
The person/institution to which this group is directing their anger/anguish/outrage toward had nothing to do with the condition that is at hand. In fact, the perpetrators are those who made the decision to participate in an act that could and often does lead to a particular condition. This choice, in the wrong environment, is sin. Yet, this group, has wrongly tried to place the blame on this one person/one institution. This group is not keeping the main thing, the main thing.
So, therefore, please consider everything and every angle when you make your decisions. Keep the main thing, the main thing. We are not living to blame others for our own choices, but instead we are striving to be accountable to the decisions that we do make. We are striving to keep God as our focus. We are striving to become more-Christlike; keeping the main thing, the main thing.
Keep your focus on the main thing.
I bet you already know that I’m about to talk about a song… This morning, the lyrics that are floating around my head are “standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior, standing, standing, yes, I’m standing on the Word that’s in my heart.” Which brings me to an interesting place this morning.
What Word is in my heart?
There are many different ways that the Word can get in your heart.
(a) Attend church and as the pastor preaches and you are willing (the two have to go together, then you will get the Word in your heart. If your heart is hard, then you won’t get the Word in your heart. If you are receptive, then it can seep on in.
(b) Listen to music that teaches the Word of God. You cannot get the Word in your heart by listening to things that contradict the Word of God. Those things don’t agree.
(c) Study your Bible and Christian-related resources. Notice the order. Bible first. When you study for yourself, you feed yourself – your spirit. And, once you have feasted on the Word, it is stored in your heart.
(d) Talk with others that have the Word in their heart. They are always ready to share their experiences with the Word of God. Yes, they are – so be ready! Have some time on your hands! :-)
So, presuming that you already have some Word in your heart, it’s time for an examination. What’s in there?
It’s important to take inventory so that you have the appropriate equipment to stand on in the time of storm. It is not enough to know just one thing about God – He’s multi-faceted. He’s multi-dimensional. We can never learn it all but we must learn of Him. How can you say that you love someone when you don’t know them?
So, take a heart inventory. And when you are done, know exactly what you have to stand on.
Music ministers to me. No matter what I am doing, at some point, a song may pop in my head that speaks to my direct situation or provides some wisdom and guidance that I can use in my counseling. I love the ministry of music.
That’s why it is so important that we pay attention to music today. Music has a way of getting into our very spirits. When we listen to God-glorifying music, we are prone to respond in worship. When we listen to devil-glorifying music – the same applies.
Now, I know that some of you just shrugged or had an adverse reaction to my last statement. But, it’s still true. Pay attention to what you listen to and then watch how you respond.
When you listen to praise music, don’t you just find yourself glorifying God by clapping your hands or singing along? Now, compare that to when you find yourself listening to non-Christian radio or songs.
If that song has a strong beat, other parts of your body begin to move – check out what’s moving….
When I used to listen to secular music, it was easy to move from the two-step (you know that side-to-side thing we do when we are warming up to take over the dance floor) – anyway – I could move from the two-step to full-fledged dances that I would not dare do in church in front of an assembly of worshippers. Hmmmm. My flesh and spirit were not agreeing. So, I had to cut that type of dancing lose. I was a young Christian then and well, the Holy Spirit had to teach me that I should and could do better than that with the body that God gave me. And, back then, my body could really move!
Now, not so much. But, with age comes wisdom!!!
On GMA this morning, there was a discussion on lyrics that on the surface appeared innocent but in actuality were far from innocent. They mentioned Brittany Spears’ song that is #35 right now on the Billboards – I missed the title of the song – sorry. And, then they gave the classic example of Puff the Magic Dragon. And, well, everyone knows what was going on there.
Children were listening to these songs and figuring out the meaning. Pre-teens, y’all.
So, please, be careful about what you let minister to you. It can shape your direction in a way that you do not need to be going.
It's so easy for the adversary to sneak in when we least expect it.
We go about our daily routine ... then we get busy ... and then that time for devotion and time alone with the Lord just slips away... and one day turns into two... two days turns into three... three days turn into two weeks... two weeks turn into "I don't know when was the last time I spent quality time with the Lord."
Meanwhile, the enemy is busy too. He wants to distract us just a little bit at first. He's patient. He can wait. So, he distracts us with the emergency and makes us rush so that we forget to pray - or feel that we don't have time to pray. Then he makes his next move, but it's so subtle, you don't even notice it. And before long, he's got us right where he wants us - with a gap between the Father and ourselves.
He wants us standing on our own feet. Self-reliant.
God wants us on our knees in prayer or leaning on Him, alone. God-dependent.
A few of my friends and I are going to spend a year with God together through a daily devotional. We will be utilizing a common book that has a journal component to it. We're looking forward to it and I believe it's going to be a great time of worshipping God together. But, what I like most about it is that we are going to be able to better recognize the attacks that come - we will be better able to recognize that subtle move of the enemy so that we don't get so far off track that we can't remember when we spent quality time with God. It's when you think that it can't happen to you that it's already happening...
If you do not already have one, make a plan to get an accountability partner that will HELP keep you focused on God.
Gratitude and giving have been on my mind for quite awhile. And, I've been thanking God and giving to people as He directs me. It's been quite an experience. Sometimes, I get a "thank you" back from those that He directs me to help, and other times, I don't know what the response to the aid will be. It's kinda neat to know that I'm making a positive impact on those that I reach whether I see it or not.
I was talking to one of my co-workers. She has an adopted child as well as three children that she sponsors through various organizations. She sponsors this one kid in Kenya and has done so for years. They have a relationship through the Christian Children's Fund. I haven't fully committed to sponsorship in that fashion but if God leads me that way, I will. One thing that I have done is something that she mentioned to me. She donates to an organization called Donors Choose.
I instantly liked what I read when I went to their website, www.donorschoose.org. You can sponsor a teacher's classroom project for any school across the country where the teacher has put in a project. I wanted to stay local, so I sponsored a project in my state. As a result, I got a "thank you" from the teacher and because this time, I provided the rest of the money needed, therefore, completing the funding, the students will send me little "thank yous" as well. I'm thinking it will probably be a card or something, but I just love the idea. I like choosing where I donate and knowing exactly what the money buys. I really like knowing that children will really learn from the materials. It's a great opportunity to impact our future.
Now, it's not that I get hung up on knowing what the impact of giving does; instead, knowing motivates me to do more; give more; beyond my giving for the sake of giving.
So, if you get a chance, check out www.donorschoose.org. I'm sure you'll find a project or two to sponsor.
You may have seen this in your email:
In Florida, an atheist created a case against the coming Easter and Passover holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians, Jews and observances of their holy days.
The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days.
The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring,"Case dismissed!"
The lawyer immediately stood objecting to the ruling saying, "Your honor, how can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, yet my client and all other atheists have no such holidays."
The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, "But you do. Your client, counsel, is woefully ignorant."
The lawyer said, "Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance
or holiday for atheists."
The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is April Fools Day.
Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.'
Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool.
Therefore, April 1st is his day. Court is adjourned.
You gotta love a Judge that knows his scripture!
I got a good chuckle out of it, but we must be very mindful that there are those around us that do not worship the One True God; and they will stop at nothing to assert their rights to believe this way. Well, that's their choice. But, as Christians, we must also assert our own freewill. We protect and defend the rights that are ours as well to worship and celebrate the True God; our Sovereign Lord. Stand up for Christianity. Never let someone back you down on what you believe and do not bend just because it is convenient. Our nation has been bending and now, look at the results. A nation founded on Christianity has taken prayer out of schools, and wants to take the provisional God that keeps us off of our money. My, my, my. Comprise and appeasement has set us backwards.
So, chuckle at the story - yes, but recognize the reality. And, when you do - pray!
- Well, if you can look at situation for what you don't have, instead of appreciating what you do have - you may need to check your gratefulness meter because you're running low.
- If you can criticize those who try to help you for what they don't have and what you do have - you may need a gratefulness tune-up.
- When you wake up every morning, if there is not a thank you on your lips to God the Father, you really need to check that gratefulness meter.
- If you have had opportunity after opportunity and fail to give God proper thanks and praise for what He is doing in your life - take your meter to the altar. Silence does not convey gratitude.
I won't go on - not in this post - but if you find yourself in this small list, correct the situation now. Ask God to give you a grateful heart with the ability to express your gratitude towards Him and towards those people in your life who help you and are there for you.
I did a quick google search and found some gratitude quotes that I'd like to share with you now:
- The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you. ~John E. Southard
- For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, for love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Praise the bridge that carried you over. ~George Colman
- Gratitude is the best attitude. ~Author Unknown
- Gratitude is the least of the virtues, but ingratitude is the worst of vices. ~Thomas Fuller
- If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily. ~Gerald Good
You can find more quotes on: http://www.quotegarden.com/gratitude.html
God bless you.
Yum-o! (does Rachel Ray say that?) Anywhoooooo -gotta tell you about my new yummy receipe.
Last week, I was at a conference and they served an interesting dish for lunch one day. I thought it strange and well, rather cheap considering the money my company had laid down for me to attend said conference. But, as I piled it on my plate, I began to see that just maybe, this was going to taste pretty good.
So, when I got home, I made the recipe by remembering what I saw and tasted! I named it the Cheesy Chicken Mac. I used the following ingredients:
- chicken
- whole wheat elbows
- four types of cheese (Kraft) plus sharp cheddar (I think they just used cheddar)
- mushrooms (my addition - I make any excuse to include mushrooms in my casseroles)
- peas (my addition - for color)
- sour creme
- creme of chicken (my addition - just to add a little umph of more flavor)
- chicken stock
- onion (my addition - seasons it lightly)
Essentially, I threw it all together once I cooked the chicken and noodles, then put it in a baking dish, topped it the remaining cheese and a bit of stuffing and YUM-O!
It's not figure friendly, but it is soooo good. Let me know if you try it. :-)
All of these biased reports on the economy and stimulus spending is driving me bonkers! So, I turned from the media to the hopeful comfort of bloggy land. Perhaps I’d find comfort there.
I was wrong.
I was browsing a few blogs and well, where is the truth? Where is anything good or affirming?
Not to say that there aren’t any good blogs – of course there are good blogs. Refresh My Soul is a blog that I’ve been following for years and over the years I’ve only known it to be a good blog, full of truth. And there are many other good blogs out there. So, don’t get me wrong, there are some solid, truthful writers out there in the blog-o-sphere.
I was just surprised at how many other blogs were so… – well, not what I was expecting!
I guess the gray area for me is when bloggers and media types get to interject our opinion to the detriment of others.
- I saw on one blog how the writer had the audacity to criticize those that had helped them when the writer themselves did not know what to do. Who does that? What happened to showing a bit of humility and gratitude?
- I saw on another blog how the writer claims patriotism but them beats down the current president and administration which has been in office less than two months. What happened to prayer when we have differences? What happened to giving someone the benefit of the doubt and giving them time?
I stopped searching through random blogs and went back to my familiar writers who steep their writing in the truth of Scripture. And, therein, I found some peace. But, here’s my pledge to you, my dear readers:
I will speak the truth in love. I will retain my opinion pieces, but I will cover my words with love – even when chastisement becomes necessary.
Do you remember awhile back I entered a contest over at Lysa's site and was chosen as one of the winners? She was going to make a 60-second spot out of one of my blog post, Do the Hard Thing. Well, I missed the actual on-air spot, but it looks like she's posted the transcript on her blog. So, if you'd like to check it out, click here.
Praise God!
God is so good. You see my post for today (see below - Participate or Keep Quiet) where I was talking about respect for others and treating each other with kindness. Well, I popped over to Lysa's blog and saw her post for today. It's about God's provision through US - me and you. I liked it so much that I thought you'd wanna read it too. So, here's the link:
http://lysaterkeurst.blogspot.com/2009/03/gods-provision-part-3.html . Click on it and then let me know what you think. Leave a message for Lysa too - let her know that you are visiting from Beams of Light. :-)
I appreciate your stopping by the blog today. I've left two posts for you - so you get double for your trouble! :-)
Have a fantastic weekend!!!
I spend a lot of time on the road - going here - traveling there. One thing I notice is how I'm treated and how I treat others in response.
Today, in a conference, two people sitting behind me kept whispering to each other - particularly when an Asian panelist was speaking. It was obvious that english was not his native tongue but he could be easily understood with just a bit more attention paid to his speech. Easy to do when it's quiet. Not so easy when you have background noise - like whispering!
So, I started to notice when the whispering would occur. Always when he was speaking. The two behind me were not of Asian descent but they clearly disrespected this panelist. I listened closely to their whispering. They were not trying to figure out what he was saying. They were talking about other things that had nothing at all to do with what he was saying.
I didn't like that. I do not know why this bothered me so much except that I keep going back to that whole "do unto others" thing. I wonder how these people would feel if while they were talking on a panel two people of Asian descent kept whispering to each other. Rude.
So, please, when you are in a public situation and someone is speaking on a panel or whatever, show them a little respect and listen. Keep quiet unless you are addressing them or the other panelists. Keep quiet unless you are participating in the discussion. It's respectful. It's the right thing to do.
Phew! I've just got to say that I for one am tired! I know that it's only Tuesday but I've had a whirlwind of a week already!
Now, let me tell you something - information overload is a dangerous thing. My head is so full of information from a conference that I attended that I'm hoping and praying that none leaks out.
Yes, there is that possibility. Where can I get some cotton balls y'all? ...ear plugs ...something!
We have so much in store for our energy future and I'm so happy about it. But, it will not come to pass without facing challenges head on and without having a plan.
Did you know that the US has not had an energy plan for the last 40 years? Sure, the state regulators had plans but I'm talking at the federal level. Astounding.
Well, now that we have a new administration and are facing impressive strains on our current electric infrastructure, and growth for electric demand is not abating, it seems like Washington is all abuzz with concern for the industry. You should be too - quick, count how many gadgets you use daily that require electricity...
...refrigerator...air conditoning...cell phone (for charging 'cause you know that you talk that battery down daily!)...hair curlers...blow dryers...electric stove...microwave...computer, etc.
Ah...electricity becomes a mainstream topic now, eh?
I took the opportunity to meet T. Boone Pickens. You've heard of him, right? 80 years old - still going strong. Did you see him on the view? I did. I happened to be home that day with the tv on - not sure why the tv was on.... Anyway, I did catch him and he has an energy plan. Some agree with him and some don't. He's focused on renewable generation - mainly wind. If you are interested in what he had to say, check him out at www.pickensplan.com. Interesting reading. Whether you agree with him or not, he has a plan and he is evangelizing for that plan. I saw his pocket calendar (written manually - not a pda) and he is booked solid - every day a different place and yet it seems sometimes that I cannot get out of the bed. Humph - look who has energy and who has an energy plan!
I'm laughing or else I'd cry. Nevertheless...
At some point, all of us are going to have to be more informed about our energy supply and consumption. At some point, we are going to be ordering up our energy and programming our home heating and cooling from our cellphones. So, we'd better get ready now and start on this learning curve. The energy future is now.
And so is your spiritual future. (I know - what a transition... but I'm running short on time today). Your spiritual future is now. We are being approached with an onslaught of new activities that take our mind off of what is important. We are full of things that do not matter in the Kingdom of God. We have been sleeping as a nation. We've gone 40 years without an energy plan - how long has it been since you've dusted off your spiritual growth plan?
Growing in the spirit in intentional. And, well, if you don't get your life in order, sooner rather than later, you will be facing the perfect storm. You will have: opportunity that society does not shun, means to perpetrate your sin, and a heart hardened to the truth of God that says that your sin is okay. This perfect storm could keep you out of a pleasant eternal resting place.
So, just as now we are having to address our nation's energy concerns, why not now take this opportunity as well to address your spiritual state before it's too late.
It’s Friday! Rejoice! It’s another day that we are allowed to experience because our God is so very good to us!
This morning, as I was getting ready for work, I kept hearing that old song “momma don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys…”
I had no idea until, while brushing my teeth, I heard about the felony accounts against Chris Brown. Apparently the saga continues.
Details are emerging about the night when both stars made the headlines. According to Good Morning America:
- Chris allegedly got a text message from another girl… was Rihanna thinking infidelity? - for the violence to escalate like this, maybe the text was more than a friendly “hello.”
- An argument ensued.
- Chris allegedly beats Rihanna, pulling her into a headlock and biting her ear. Her mouth fills with blood which escapes down her face and shirt.
- Rihanna calls her assistant – tells her to call the cops.
- Chris allegedly threatens her with death.
- Bail money.
- Appearances cancelled.
- 3 weeks later - Rihanna took him back.
- The rest (and even this) is well-known, including the court appearance made by Chris yesterday.
This is not a post about domestic violence. I don’t know enough to even try to post about it. I do know I don’t believe in it.
But I can’t help but to tie in that “momma, don’t let you babies grow up to be….pop stars.” Okay, that’s my own rendition. But, still.
I think we can learn something here about pushing our children out into the spotlight before their time of maturity. Talent is not equivalent to maturity.
Meltdown after meltdown has been witnessed all over the entertainment scene after pop-star after pop-star falls from their respective pedestal that their fans put them on and which they gladly stayed on until “that certain situation” knocked them off balance.
What then can we say to mothers that push their children into the spotlight. I’d tell them to take a backseat. If you want to push your child into anything, push them into the arms of the Lord. If you make sure that you are exposing your child to the things of God then the child has more opportunity to make better informed decisions about the direction of their lives. They will learn to seek God for His direction.
The talents that pop-stars have are all god-given. People will talk about their voice or their dancing ability or whatever. Well, all abilities come from God. It’s just that we tend to pervert that ability and talent and turn it into something we can use for worldly gain. That was never God’s intention. We are to use our talents and gifts to glorify Him.
So until we get the message, I can only suspect that the stars will keep failing. Momma’s, don’t let your babies grow up to be pop-stars.
You will be happy to note that I will not be discussing anything “bachelor-esque” today. The drama has played out all over the internet with emails flying etc etc. Now, I feel compelled to move back to all things spiritual, so-to-speak.
Tonight, I will teach a class on spiritual disciplines. I like this class because every time I stand to teach it, God grows me up a little bit more. I like that.
But my enemy does NOT.
I have recently come to the realization that just as I begin to prepare my materials, I have to really fight the enemy so that I can be disciplined enough to study. Previously, this was not an issue but the more familiar that I got with the workbook, the harder it became for me to stay on top of my studies.
Yet, week-by-week, by God’s grace alone, I was equipped. He always has a response waiting – an instruction to deliver through this flawed vessel. God is amazing!
This calls attention to two things called comfort and familiarity. When we get comfortable and familiar with something or even someone, we let our guards down. We don’t resist as much as we used to or we are not on the defensive as much as we used to be. We feel safe and established.
Can I give you a warning here?
Don’t get too comfortable, no matter how familiar you think you are with something or someone.
When we get comfortable, we start relying on ourselves more. We say “Oh, I got it.”
Danger! Danger!
In my case, I could wrongly take the stance of “Oh, I got it” when it comes to teaching my class. I, in error, could stand in front of the class simply because I am familiar enough with the course work and do a decent job for my flesh, but my God would not be pleased.
God is not calling me to comfort. (you either)
Instead, He wants me to rely on Him for every single class – for every answer and/or response and for everything that concerns the instruction of His children. When we think we can do it, we deny God the glory that is due Him because we are too busy taking credit ourselves.
So, watch yourselves. There’s nothing wrong with knowing something or knowing how to do something, but don’t get so comfortable in your doing that you forget what He has done in and through you – and where you get your ability from. God gets the glory. Amen!
Don't get me wrong - although I disagree with the way it was done and the whole lack of compassion involved, I still feel it best for him to let Melissa go if he would be cheating on her in his heart, mind or even physically with Molly. Melissa deserves someone that truly loves and appreciates her - someone that only sees her - someone that won't go back to their past.
There is a danger that must be recognized with forsaking the present and looking back to the past.
I'm not on my soap box. I know that I’ve certainly spent some time in my life looking back and wondering what could have been. In fact, I spent a good deal of time caring for somebody that treated me carelessly (like Jason treated Melissa.) And yes, it hurt me and I spent alot of time wallowing in the pain. Looking back took me back and I got stuck in the past - wrapped up in things that God, in His sovereignty, set me free from. At the time, I did not understand why that relationship failed. At the time, I did not understand why it ended the way that it did. But now, I see clearly and I thank God for setting me free. Now, my new mantra is - no looking back.
You’ve heard this saying: Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present. So, no looking back. Keep focused on the present.
And, that’s the advice that I give today. No looking back. Sure, you can learn from the past but you don’t have to be actively looking and participating in the past to learn from it. Take what you learned from the experience and grow from it. Don’t wallow in the past – no matter how good, no matter how bad. Leave the past in the past. Live in the present.
When God delivers you from something (or someone), there is no need to look back (lest you be turned into a pillar of salt like Lot’s wife!) Stop looking behind. If God has moved you forward then keep your mind, eyes, and heart in the direction in which He has set them. God knows best. No looking back.
I struggled with whether or not to post this blog today.
I cannot believe that I did it.
I cannot believe that I watched it all – in utter horror – for the last portion – like watching a car wreck...
But, alas, I must confess – once again, I watched the Bachelor on ABC last night.
I know, I need prayer.
Last night was the final episode of where he would pick from the harem – I mean, he would pick from the two remaining women that he’d been swapping DNA with. And, well, my flesh wanted to know who he would choose. So, barring better judgment, I watched. I told you I need prayer!
He chose Melissa and I have to admit, I was happy about that. She seemed to genuinely love Ty (the son) and Jason Mesnick (the father). And, she seemed to be needing somebody to love. I could see her pouring herself into that relationship full force. And, maybe that was the problem.
The bachelor, Jason, claimed that he was in love with both women. You cannot pour straight if you’re trying to pour into two vessels. Don’t believe me? Try to pour water into two glasses side by side. All you get is a mess – if the spout is too narrow, the other glass gets missed completely. And, that’s what happened last night.
A shocker – carefully planned by ABC. (You can’t make me believe that they didn’t know about this otherwise they would have had a full audience on the ATFR show).
Anyway, Jason realized that he would rather be with the woman he didn’t chose – Molly. Molly was the one he dumped in New Zealand; also the one that said he was making a mistake that he would live to regret. Seemed arrogant to me, but nobody asked me. Anywho... apparently, Jason agreed because last night, on public television, he breaks up with Melissa and asks Molly for another chance.
I’m disgusted – with myself for watching and with ABC for televising such garbage. I’m hurting for Melissa, who just reminds you all things cute and snuggly – she’s so friendly and warm.
Why, oh why, did I let my flesh drag me into such a mess? In my humble opinion, that nobody asked me for; Mesnick is a mess. Melissa deserves better.
I just don’t like to see people willfully hurt and damaged – and made to be a public spectacle. Now, I know that they sign up for it; it’s a reality show; I shouldn't be watching the garbage anyway; the harem approach to dating is not godly, etc etc. I know all of this but I do still believe that compassion was lacking last night. You don't have to be a christian to be decent. Right is right.
It's better that Jason broke it off with Melissa if he still wanted to pursue a relationship with Molly but he still needed to show some compassion. I am sure he has it in him somewhere – afterall, he’s so compassionate towards his son. The whole thing seemed out-of-character for the character that was portrayed on the show.
We all have to make hard decisions, but I ask of you this one thing: when a hard decision rests on your desk, please make sure to wrap your words and your actions in compassion. The decision itself is painful enough – think of others and make the delivery as “gentle” as the situation allows.
Show a little compassion today: Let’s all pray for all those involved, particularly the ones that were so hurt by all of this drama. And, pray for the families as well such that they are able to help those hurt to pick up the pieces and move higher.
More recently than I'd care to admit, my faith has been challenged. I'd been fighting this thing off of me for some time and I finally got a little weary. Uh oh... I needed to recharge my faith batteries and get back to the place that no matter what, I trusted and believed that God would solve THIS situation. That's right, even this one. Yet, the more I tried to pump up my faith, the less my faith was pumped. I liken it to trying to pump up a bicycle tire with a foot pump with the nozzle improperly placed. You hear the air being pushed out of the pump but it's not going into the tire. End result: exhaustion, frustration and a flat-tire...still.
After a series of "game-escalating" activities, I came to this conclusion. It's not the things that I am trying to do that keep failing. It's what I'm trying to do to get to the answer. Instead of seeking His face, knowing that He will provide for even THIS situation, I've been seeking His hand - doing any and everything to try to get Him to tell me that He's going to work this thing out. But, that's already been revealed to me in His Word. Have I been asleep these years of my life or what?
So, now I rest in knowing that instead of trying to get God to answer me, I will just live a righteous life in faith knowing that God knows what I need. And, when He is ready, He will address THIS situation. To Him be the glory!
So, take a hint from me today. If you are struggling with God over an answer to a situation, stop now and just believe. Believe that He is going to work it out in due time and you don't have to worry about it. Just believe. Just trust. For the righteous live by faith!