My god-child is due to make his debut soon. It is now 10 days and counting. I couldn’t be happier! He is already 8lbs – can you believe that? His mother has done a fantastic job making sure that our little one gets all the food and nourishment that He needs. Yay!
Now, I posted about this before and asked for your comments. I did not hear that much back from you guys but I know that within you lies a wealth of wisdom when it comes to parenting. And, while I am not this child’s primary caretaker, I will be spending time alone with him.
What say ye? What are some good tips for taking care of newborns?
Actually, (unless the baby is colicky or unless you're the one feeding him 24/7--aka--through the night) those newborn days are borderline heaven! Since they're sleeping the majority of the time, you can snuggle and cuddle to your heart's content. ENJOY!