I’ve found a new genre of music lately. It’s not new to the music industry – it’s just new to me. And, the funny thing is, I never really thought that this type of music would attract neither keep my attention. But, for the last few weeks, I’ve really enjoyed it.
Now, you may be wondering about this genre. Well, I’m not going to specify it. I don’t want you laughing at me or trying to convince me that this is the wrong type of music for me. I like all types of music actually. You should visit my IPOD – loads of stuff up there – 98% of it singing about the goodness of the Lord.
Now, don’t get on me about that other 2%. I’m human and some songs are just plain good! Would you fault me for having Lee Greenwood on my IPOD singing about God bless the USA? No, I don’t think so. These other songs are similar in emotion-stirring-ability.
Now, here’s the point of the post. What have you found that is new to you lately? Is there any one thing that delights your fancy? If so, would you share it with us? It may be new to us too!
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