It amazes me how my level of prayer and walking with the Lord affects my reaction to things that occur in my life. When I am “prayed up” and feel super close to the Lord, it seems as though the fiery darts from the enemy don’t burn me. It feels like I can say “is that all you’ve got – humph!” My shield of faith is in place extinguishing the flames.
But, at other times, when I have been spiritually lazy and slack in my studies, I seem to get burned even as I try to assess my situation. It is like standing too close to a flame and feeling the heart – or at times, getting your hair or eyebrow cinched. YIKES! Too close for comfort.
Knowing that these are the results of prayerfulness and study or laziness and slack does not seem to always motivate me towards the positive situation. At times, my flesh struggles against discipline and glorifies in the freedom to do absolutely nothing.
Have you been there?
So, what’s a girl to do when a crisis comes along when we’re in lazy-mode?
The next few posts will talk about Crisis Christians and our response, but, just know that the first step should be prayer.
I don’t think that God is not looking for some eloquent prayer when we are in crisis. In my mind, that would be like calling 9-1-1 and saying some flowery speech which, that at some point in the middle, gets at the problem that you are having. In your crisis, get before the Lord, tell Him what’s going on in your words (He already knows anyway) and then wait for a response. It’s like waiting for instructions from the 9-1-1 operator. You called them, now what to see what they will tell you. You went to God in prayer, now wait to see what He will tell you.
Sometimes, He may send the fire trucks and the ambulances and other times He may not. Sometimes the answer is quick and other times the answer is not as quick as we would prefer it to be. No matter how He chooses to address the problem, know that He will address it. He will not ignore your call. You just need to be willing to hear the answer and/or resolution to the issue. So, we wait and we listen.
The next post will deal with what to do while we wait in the state of our crisis – moving from lazy mode to resting in the safety of the Savior.
My mother just went to church today and "fainting is not an option" was the theme. It really hits home for me, because I am going through a really tough time, and don't know how I am going to make it through... but I'm trying my best to hold on and keep the faith.
Thanks for the word....