Have you ever compromised on anything? I would have to believe that your answer has to be yes. I certainly have done my fair share of compromising over the years and it is generally thought of in some arenas as a good thing. It shows our flexibility and willingness to work as a team. It restores unity. Parents love to teach their children compromise – which can also be thought of as sharing as it relates to children.
So, when is compromise wrong? Is there ever a situation? My answer to that is absolutely. I know, because I have recently compromised on something that I should have never compromised on. And, it was my idea! Thus, the burden, guilt and ergo repentance lies with me.
Now, I know that you don’t need to know the details of what I did. So, I won’t bore you with all of that. Afterall, it’s me – nothing extra juicy goes on in my world. But, this one thing I did do, I pray that I don’t do again under those circumstances. I need my prayer warriors to help me out on this. Pray for my strength.
So, now, on to the juiceless items that I am facing. I repented. I am sorrowful. I have done what needs to be done. And now, I receive the forgiveness of the Lord. Now, I am about to tell you about what I know to be true based on this experience – so go with me.
When we are students of the Word of God, we do not have the luxury of turning back from the truth of God. We are to be obedient to the Word no matter what it may seemingly cost us. We actually gain when we are obedient. So, don’t feel like you are losing. Instead, know that you are indeed gaining. Gaining in maturity and Christ-likeness among a multitude of other things. Think about it – you may even want to write out a list to visualize just how much you are gaining.
Second, think about what you are thinking about. We only compromise when we are trying to have it both ways. In the Kingdom of God, both ways is not an option. We’ve got to do it God’s way. His way is sufficient. We don’t have to know every single thing either. We just have to do it God’s way.
Lastly, we have to desire to follow after God. You will not find yourself in a compromising position when your heart’s desire is to follow after God.
At first, I did not have a heart to follow God in this matter. I wanted to work it out so that I could do what I wanted to do and slide under the radar. But, God has a way of working things out. He’s not mocked. And, now, the burden is on me to do what thus saith the Lord and live my life according to His commands, to guard my thoughts and realize the gain which is mine when I am obedient to God.
If by chance, you are reading this and this applies to you as well, I pray that you will take a moment to repent of your indiscretion, and make a positive move towards God and away from that compromising position.
You are such an inspiration. Thanks for being real.
Wow! Much has happened in my absence! You have been busy busy busy. Lifting prayers for you. I have been there. Just know God has restored you and will get you through. Good post girl.
Much love,
Where is that place you were? I never heard of it before.
I was in Walting Germany, about an hour away from Munich.
Love ya!