Can we talk about the “D” word? – DISCIPLINE.
Good, I was hoping that you would say that. We as a people stand in need of discipline. As Christians, our need is even more urgent. Why? We must deal with our flesh. We must learn to control it such that we can be of greater use for the Kingdom of God.
Our flesh is demanding. This skin that we are in wants to do things its own way. It is insistent and stubborn. It is demanding and unrelenting. Yes, I’m still talking about our flesh.
Undisciplined flesh never leads to anything good for the Kingdom of God. Sure, it may lead you to purchase French fries in the middle of your fast or lead you to get some ice cream while you are on your diet. Those things taste good but they inhibit the work that you were trying to accomplish. Our flesh wants what it wants. Period. End of story. But, our spirit-man wants to be obedient to God. Who do you listen to? Flesh or spirit?
If you cannot say that you listen to your spirit over your flesh, then these next series of posts are for you.
Take some time now and write out areas where you struggle with your flesh. Then, take that full list to God in prayer. Then, join me back here tomorrow as we begin to tackle the “D” word and our flesh.
***UPDATE*** - Also, note that you can read more on the disciplines at this post by Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile on the Pure Church blog, found here.
Now that you've prayed (see yesterday's post), you have that peace that only God can give.
Peace, I leave with you, my peace, I give unto you: not as the world giveth,
give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. - John 14:27.
If not, go back and repeat step one.
When you read your Word, be sure that you are reading for comprehension and not just glossing over words getting only a shallow understanding. When I read, I like to ask myself three things that I picked up from a former Sunday School teacher.

It amazes me how my level of prayer and walking with the Lord affects my reaction to things that occur in my life. When I am “prayed up” and feel super close to the Lord, it seems as though the fiery darts from the enemy don’t burn me. It feels like I can say “is that all you’ve got – humph!” My shield of faith is in place extinguishing the flames.
But, at other times, when I have been spiritually lazy and slack in my studies, I seem to get burned even as I try to assess my situation. It is like standing too close to a flame and feeling the heart – or at times, getting your hair or eyebrow cinched. YIKES! Too close for comfort.
Knowing that these are the results of prayerfulness and study or laziness and slack does not seem to always motivate me towards the positive situation. At times, my flesh struggles against discipline and glorifies in the freedom to do absolutely nothing.
Have you been there?
So, what’s a girl to do when a crisis comes along when we’re in lazy-mode?
The next few posts will talk about Crisis Christians and our response, but, just know that the first step should be prayer.
I don’t think that God is not looking for some eloquent prayer when we are in crisis. In my mind, that would be like calling 9-1-1 and saying some flowery speech which, that at some point in the middle, gets at the problem that you are having. In your crisis, get before the Lord, tell Him what’s going on in your words (He already knows anyway) and then wait for a response. It’s like waiting for instructions from the 9-1-1 operator. You called them, now what to see what they will tell you. You went to God in prayer, now wait to see what He will tell you.
Sometimes, He may send the fire trucks and the ambulances and other times He may not. Sometimes the answer is quick and other times the answer is not as quick as we would prefer it to be. No matter how He chooses to address the problem, know that He will address it. He will not ignore your call. You just need to be willing to hear the answer and/or resolution to the issue. So, we wait and we listen.
The next post will deal with what to do while we wait in the state of our crisis – moving from lazy mode to resting in the safety of the Savior.
In our last post, Part 2 of Devious Devils, we spoke about the sneaky ways of the enemy. He is so very slick. But, we don’t have to fear. We have an answer to deal with his tactics.
The second part of that passage of Scripture tells us:
“You're not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It's the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The suffering won't last forever. It won't be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does.” – 1Peter 5:8-11 (The Message Bible)
Or, once again from the King James Version:
[9]Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. [10] But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. [11] To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Let’s examine this briefly (you can do a more thorough investigation in your study time).
1 – You are not alone
2 – Fainting is not an option – hold on!
3 – Suffering is universal to the Christian experience
4 – God will mature you and establish you – strengthen and settle you. You will be on your feet!
So, don’t fall out when the going gets rough. As a Christian, you are in this for the long haul and the rewards are worth the effort.
My pastor sings a song that I think was originally performed by Douglas Miller. The words are something like this …. “though the storms keep on raging in my life…and sometimes it’s hard to tell the night from day… the hope I have within is reassured…as I lift my eyes upon that distant shore…I know that He will lead me to that blessed place He has prepared...but if the storms don’t cease…and if the winds keep on blowing in my life…my soul has been anchored in the Lord!” Now, don’t get on my inability to get all the words right – just catch the point behind the lyrics. (smile)
Just like the passage of Scripture, this song tells us that we must remain stedfast in our faith. Our suffering or going through is not a surprise to our Father in Heaven and He can use these things that are going on in our lives to do something positive for us. He will make us more mature and stronger in our faith.
When I think of this passage, I also think about a plant or a tree. As the plant grows from a seed into a real plant with roots and leaves, maturing and establishing takes place. And before long, that seed has turned into a healthy plant, strong and mighty. The same with us – we must go through to get to the place where God wants us to be. Most times, our adversaries will throw things in our way – as sneaky as they are - but praise be to God, we are already victorious! God has the last say-so! So, kick those devious devils to the curb!
Today, I want to start off with a biblical paraphrase from The Message Bible:
“Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up. You're not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It's the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The suffering won't last forever. It won't be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does.” – 1Peter 5:8-11
You may also recognize the intent of this passage from the King James Version which reads:
[8]“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: [9]Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. [10] But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. [11] To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Therefore, we have a glimpse into what that tricky enemy of ours will try to do and how we are to respond. Notice that fainting is not an option.
First, we are to be on the lookout for the enemy’s approach. This is something that we must do. It is not option. If we treat it as optional, then the enemy will have us for lunch – or dinner – or a snack – you see where I’m going. We have to stay alert.
We cannot be alert if we are always spending time with the television or our caller on the cell phone. We cannot be alert if we do not STUDY the Bible. Sure you can read it for pleasure, but to be alert, you need to STUDY your Bible and hide the truths of it in your heart so that you can reference them in the time of need.
Have you ever seen a lion searching for prey? Every lion I’ve ever see (you know this is limited to the Discovery channel right?) So, anyway, every lion I have ever seen approaches his prey calm, cool and collected. That lion seems to really size up that prey and then it gets into position to pounce. And, once that pounce has taken place – well, that poor little prey better had prayed that day because the intervention of the Almighty is the only thing that will save it!
My point – your enemy sizes you up and knows just when to pounce. He knows when you have not prayed or when you have not studied. He knows when you are not concerned about Kingdom business and he makes his plan to attack you when you are the weakest. Weak in prayer – weak in study – weak in praise – weak in worship.
Notice the King James Version says seeking whom he MAY devour. Our lack of discipline in prayer, study, praise and worship is likened to telling the enemy, come on and get me! Get your snack on!
In the next post, we will discuss the remainder of this passage of Scripture. In the meantime,
I was watching the intro to a movie yesterday that had an interesting quote.
And all the devils are here."
from The Tempest by William Shakespeare
Then, I turned the channel.
However, that quote from Shakespeare leads us into the topic today. We are discussing “Devious Devils” as promised in the kick-off post from last week.
The first thing that we must recognize is that we all have an adversary – the devil. He uses those in his company to accomplish his purposes. That is why the Scripture tells us that we don’t wrestle against people (flesh and blood) – instead, it’s the rulers of the darkness – the evil one.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12 KJV
So, our first step is to recognize that we are not fighting our neighbor or our family member or coworker - you get me, right. Instead, we are fighting with the forces of Hell. And, at times, when things are really going crazy in our lives, it may just seem like Hell is empty. It may even seem like all of Hell is now intimately involved in YOUR life – following you around and not paying any attention to anyone else. Sometimes you may feel like Hell has you and you alone on their radar - everybody else gets a free pass. But, I can assure you this is not the case. It’s just another trick of the enemy. The enemy’s time is too short to just stay focused on you. He’s after the big grab and wants to take as many into his eternal sentence as possible.
So, change your perspective.
You are not fighting the person you see – you are fighting against determined spiritual wickedness.
This realization should bring about more intense prayer in your lives.
While some Christians are fainting when the enemy roars, others are digging in their heels saying that we will not be moved! The battle has already been won and the Saints of God are victorious. Which side are you on? Team Fainters or Team Faithful.
When we recognize the seriousness of it, and we love the Lord, then fainting no longer seems like a good thing to do, right? Because we recognize that fainting means joining up with those evil forces.
We will dig more into the activity of those evil ones in the next post.
When I think about the work of Jesus on the cross, I think about “for the long haul.” Everything He did for us was “for the long haul.” We have a right to eternal life now because of His work – that’s “for the long haul.” We have examples of what our ministry should be like and what it should produce. We have it recorded very carefully in the Bible. We have it to reference “for the long haul.” We have been surrounded by those who have walked with God and have experienced trials and tribulations but have come through it stronger in their faith. We have their testimony – and our own – to refer to “for the long haul.” We have been given everything that we need to endure “for the long haul.”
So, why are so many Christians fainting?
This is the question that I am pondering. Why do we faint? Why is it far easier to give up than to press on? Why is it that we have such a hard time with our faith when things take such a long period of time to come to pass? In this next series of posts, we will examine:
(1) Devious Devils
(2) Crisis Christians
(3) Disciplined Disciplines
I hope that you will join me as we take embark on this journey. The posts will be spread out over a period of time to give time for each of you to read and digest the contents and prayerfully, to post a comment or send an email to me with your thoughts and even your concerns. I promise you that if you post a prayer concern, I will partner with you in prayer for that item – and you may feel free to post anonymously. God knows who you are – the rest of cyberspace does not have to know. :-)
Pray with me as I move in this direction. I’m expecting a great move from the Lord as we begin this examination together.
You know, I have always liked Rahab. Despite her occupation, she was a smart woman. As soon as she found out what God was doing for His people, she cast her lot with them even though she was putting herself at risk. You just have to admire that. She forsook all for allegiance to the One true God.
The question before us today is what are we willing to forsake or forgo to align ourselves with God? It seems a really easy question, but if we look introspectively, it is not an easy question to answer. If it were, then fasting would be easier, prayer would be ceaseless and life despite the wrinkles would be smoother.
But the reality is that despite our best efforts, we do not always find it easy nor do we always find it a joy to align ourselves up with the Lord. This is simply because we are warring with our flesh. Our flesh is interested in pleasing itself and our spirit is interested in pleasing God. The two, the flesh and the spirit, occupy the same body, so when they are not in alignment, we have chaos.
So, what can we do? We can beat our flesh into submission by training it in godliness. This will take dedication and effort on our part (hence the word “beat”) to be diligent in studying the Word of God, to pray and to fast – to seek God in all our ways. And, while this may prove difficult in the beginning, the reward far outweighs the sacrifice. For Rahab and for us, it’s a matter of life and death.
It is so hot now in North Carolina. We have had four days of record-setting heat. I thank God for air-conditioning. Whoever invented the concept, God bless you! While I was soaking in the air-conditioning last evening to get some relief from this heat, I began thinking back to the Biblical days – pre-A/C, and I landed on Bathsheba.
I wonder what Bathsheba was thinking on the evening that she was spotted bathing on the rooftop. It was a normal occurrence for her following her monthly period – she was engaging in ritual cleansing . Was she able to relax and enjoy the cool breeze or the soothing water as it flowed across her body, or was her mind on her valiant and seasoned husband who was now at war? What was on Bathsheba’s mind that evening when King David caught a glimpse of her?
I wonder what Bathsheba was thinking when, ruled by his lustful desires, King David sent for her? She was a married woman who now, must obey the commands of a King who had no intention of honoring her marriage, but instead focused on satisfying his own flesh. I wonder what Bathsheba was thinking the very moment she found out that she was now carrying the seed of King David.
I wonder what Bathsheba was thinking when the news that her husband had been killed reached her. Did she suspect the King as she grieved? Did she desire to marry King David? After Uriah had been murdered, King David claimed Bathsheba as his wife and her child as his very own – of course.
It seems to me, that although the facts relating to this incident are clear, what is not as clear is what Bathsheba was thinking. Some see her as a seductress and some see her as an innocent victim – an innocent lamb as in the story given by Nathan, the prophet.
I do not believe that Bathsheba was in any position to stand up for herself. I do not believe that she could have denied the King. But, I do wonder what she was thinking as a very simple act of cleansing turned into infidelity and death – tragedy for both her husband and her first-born son. What do you think?
I ran into one of my co-workers in the hallway today that spoke briefly with me about having PMA. To that, I replied, “What’s PMA?” It was a guy so my first thought was that he meant to say PMS. But, after listening to him, he really meant PMA. It stands for “positive mental attitude.”
On my way back to my desk, I pondered this PMA. My co-worker was talking about PMA as it related to my drink choice not being available in the drink machine. (that serves me right because I am supposed to only be drinking water right now). Anyway, as I was saying, having a positive mental attitude is essential to having a positive day. I am re-reading Joyce Meyer’s Battlefield of the Mind, and I am sure that Joyce would agree that having a positive mental attitude is important.
Back to my point – I was on my way back to my desk when none other than BARNABAS popped up in my mind. Do you know Barnabas?
Barnabas was an early church leader and did evangelism ministry with the Apostle Paul for a season. His name means “Son of Encouragement.” He spent much time encouraging others. In fact, Barnabas was instrumental in getting others to accept/trust Paul after his conversion. And even after Paul and Barnabas split ways, after a disagreement over John Mark**, Barnabas still loved those around him and he was faithful to his given assignments. Because their relationship “ended” well and they responded to each other in a mature way, Paul and Barnabas worked together in ministry later.
It is always good to keep a positive PMA. Barnabas kept a positive mental attitude throughout this ministry work – even during the difficult times. And, that’s the challenge to us today. As believers, a PMA is required. So, I challenge you today to be an encourager like Barnabas and get your PMA-on!
**John Mark accompanied Paul and Barnabas on a missionary trip and later John Mark deserted them/failed to continue on with them. As Paul and Barnabas prepared for another journey, John Mark wanted to go. Paul did not want him to go with them and Barnabas, always eager to grant another chance, wanted John Mark to be allowed to accompany them. The disagreement was settled by Paul and Barnabas agreeing on a compromise. They split the work with Paul taking Silas with him to Syria and Barnabas taking John Mark with him to Cyprus.
Children of the Most High God, I have a question for you: Do your neighbors know God?
When we accept Christ, we also accept the commission that is before us – to evangelize. Now, everybody is not going to be able to go on mission trips to foreign lands, but everybody is not called to do this. Instead, we are to look around where we are – are your neighbors saved? What about your friends? How about your co-workers? We have a mission field right where we live and work. The harvest is ready for reaping.
There is a way that this must be done. You just can’t run up on someone and beat them over the head with the latest version of your Bible. Instead, you would do better by praying to God first about who to approach and when to approach them. When you are being led by God to evangelize, your efforts will not be in vain.
This does not always mean that you will see instant results. Instead, it means that you are doing your part to further the Kingdom of God. You would have planted a seed that will last and will ultimately help to win a soul for the Lord.
So, do not focus on the instant win – focus on God’s direction. Say what He would have you to say when He tells you to say it and to whomever He commands you to say it to. Then, sit back and wait for His perfect will to be done. It may require follow-up doses of your witnessing – and that’s okay too. Go ahead, get praying and planting!
I’ve found a new genre of music lately. It’s not new to the music industry – it’s just new to me. And, the funny thing is, I never really thought that this type of music would attract neither keep my attention. But, for the last few weeks, I’ve really enjoyed it.
Now, you may be wondering about this genre. Well, I’m not going to specify it. I don’t want you laughing at me or trying to convince me that this is the wrong type of music for me. I like all types of music actually. You should visit my IPOD – loads of stuff up there – 98% of it singing about the goodness of the Lord.
Now, don’t get on me about that other 2%. I’m human and some songs are just plain good! Would you fault me for having Lee Greenwood on my IPOD singing about God bless the USA? No, I don’t think so. These other songs are similar in emotion-stirring-ability.
Now, here’s the point of the post. What have you found that is new to you lately? Is there any one thing that delights your fancy? If so, would you share it with us? It may be new to us too!
I know this is going to sound privileged, but I simply have to share this! After spending a few days abroad, I have now come to the conclusion that I simply cannot go to Hell!
Now, regardless of the fact that I have already confessed Christ some time ago and know that my eternal security rests safely with Him, I still make this acclamation.
While traveling abroad, our destination was in a rather beautiful and scenic part of the country. To look out of the window was to see beautiful mountains. To look below was to see images reminiscent of the Old Country – former times. But, there was one distinct problem. There was absolutely NO air-conditioning and very few light breezes. The weather was extremely HHHHOOOOTTTT.
Thereby, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot go to Hell. It would simply be too hot! I would be miserable. And the thought of spending my eternity in misery is just too much.
Obedience is the path to the Highway to Heaven and I’m headed North!
Note: Please take this with the humor in which it was intended.
Be Blessed!
So, after much consideration, I've decided to stay put for awhile and keep this blogsite. I know that I mentioned my thoughts around switching blog providers - and I really wanted to - except for that everything that I wanted to do with the site meant additional cost. And, well, with gas prices being as high as they are - every cent counts and putting money towards enhancing a blogsite just didn't seem feasible.
At any rate, I have made some changes to this site to give it a new look and feel. I hope that you enjoy it!
Have you ever compromised on anything? I would have to believe that your answer has to be yes. I certainly have done my fair share of compromising over the years and it is generally thought of in some arenas as a good thing. It shows our flexibility and willingness to work as a team. It restores unity. Parents love to teach their children compromise – which can also be thought of as sharing as it relates to children.
So, when is compromise wrong? Is there ever a situation? My answer to that is absolutely. I know, because I have recently compromised on something that I should have never compromised on. And, it was my idea! Thus, the burden, guilt and ergo repentance lies with me.
Now, I know that you don’t need to know the details of what I did. So, I won’t bore you with all of that. Afterall, it’s me – nothing extra juicy goes on in my world. But, this one thing I did do, I pray that I don’t do again under those circumstances. I need my prayer warriors to help me out on this. Pray for my strength.
So, now, on to the juiceless items that I am facing. I repented. I am sorrowful. I have done what needs to be done. And now, I receive the forgiveness of the Lord. Now, I am about to tell you about what I know to be true based on this experience – so go with me.
When we are students of the Word of God, we do not have the luxury of turning back from the truth of God. We are to be obedient to the Word no matter what it may seemingly cost us. We actually gain when we are obedient. So, don’t feel like you are losing. Instead, know that you are indeed gaining. Gaining in maturity and Christ-likeness among a multitude of other things. Think about it – you may even want to write out a list to visualize just how much you are gaining.
Second, think about what you are thinking about. We only compromise when we are trying to have it both ways. In the Kingdom of God, both ways is not an option. We’ve got to do it God’s way. His way is sufficient. We don’t have to know every single thing either. We just have to do it God’s way.
Lastly, we have to desire to follow after God. You will not find yourself in a compromising position when your heart’s desire is to follow after God.
At first, I did not have a heart to follow God in this matter. I wanted to work it out so that I could do what I wanted to do and slide under the radar. But, God has a way of working things out. He’s not mocked. And, now, the burden is on me to do what thus saith the Lord and live my life according to His commands, to guard my thoughts and realize the gain which is mine when I am obedient to God.
If by chance, you are reading this and this applies to you as well, I pray that you will take a moment to repent of your indiscretion, and make a positive move towards God and away from that compromising position.
My god-child is due to make his debut soon. It is now 10 days and counting. I couldn’t be happier! He is already 8lbs – can you believe that? His mother has done a fantastic job making sure that our little one gets all the food and nourishment that He needs. Yay!
Now, I posted about this before and asked for your comments. I did not hear that much back from you guys but I know that within you lies a wealth of wisdom when it comes to parenting. And, while I am not this child’s primary caretaker, I will be spending time alone with him.
What say ye? What are some good tips for taking care of newborns?
I am confronted with a realization today. I have been doing a bit of soul searching and while I have not always known exactly what I wanted in a mate, I’ve had a list of good ideas. I have to now say that this list of ideas is just that – ideas. What I have found in my recent evaluation of myself, is that I need not contend so much with what I think I want or what the world says is good to have in a mate. Now, don’t get me wrong. I do want those things on that list! But it’s not a question of what I want now – it’s a question of what I need. Even on that list, there are some good things and good advice that have been given to me over the years as the “search” continues. But now, I’m not so interested in the “search.” I am, for the first time, really interested in the waiting.
I’ve been waiting by default. I have been too afraid to move ahead of God so the default position for me has been to wait...and I’m waiting…and waiting… But, I cannot say that I’ve always been happy in the waiting. In fact, I can tell you that at some points in this journey, I’ve had my series of temper-tantrums and outright fits. You know the kind that the kids throw in the middle of the store and embarrass their parents. That kind. Bad, I know. But, I’m just telling you where I was.
Now, I am at a place where I believe that I can wait with JOY, knowing that God will send the right person to me at the right time with all of the things that I need. Emphasis on things that I need. God knows all about my future and He knows what’s down the road. I trust Him to provide me with someone capable of helping me navigate those waters. And, I trust Him to provide me with someone who will allow me to help them as well.
So, I say “I Do” to this period. I do want what God has for me even if it doesn’t come wrapped up in expectations decoration that I have relied on over the years. I do want God’s will for my life. And, even when I stumble and fall flat on my face, I will rise up on my faith. I do want to hear “Well Done!”
You may already have your special someone in your life. And, if you do, I pray that you will thank God for that person. And, then I pray that you will say “I Do” over and over again to God’s will for your joined life together.