Many are my plans during the week. Yet, lately, I've had more plans than action. Every time I cross something off my list, two more things get added. How does that work? And, I'm not even going to venture on the subject of "fair." But nevertheless, I still feel tied to the list of things to do, places to be, people to see. And it's then that I know that I need to regroup.
Time for some alone time with God.
Time to ask for help. And that's what I've done. I'm listening now to what God would have me to do and be about. I'm waiting for Him to "okay" my "list" of things to do before I add things to it of my own accord. And, so far, everything is going smoother.
So, if you are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and like your list of things to do is growing as tall as you are, then I encourage you to take your list to the Lord and listen for His voice. He'll tell you what to do and what to let someone else handle.
Have a great weekend!
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