I got the news last week that everything is a go and that two of my friends will be going downrange real soon (they are deploying). They are both in the Army. One is a mother. She has a 1 year old son. She will be deploying for 15 months. It’s a hard concept for me to get my mind around but she’s done it – she’s Army strong.
My other friend is not deploying for as long but it will still be a considerable period of time. He will leave the comforting arms of his new bride. But he hasn’t complained either. He's a soldier. He’s Army strong. He has been making phone calls and preparations to ensure his wife’s comfort while he is away. She has not been emotional. She married a soldier knowing this day was coming. She is Army strong.
Instead of talking about what she was going to miss out on, she has been encouraging her husband about the things they’ll do when he returns. (Married folk talk…okay!) To this point, she has not shed a tear and refuses to, in his words, “let on” that she’s thinking anything about the time that they’ll be apart from one another. She’s got him focused on the reunion.
While, knowing her, I am sure she will cry later, but for now, she will not show any fear or any worry to shake her husband’s confidence in her ability to manage for herself while he is away. She has a fascinating career to keep her occupied and activities and supporting friends to occupy her time. Quite frankly, his wife has it going on! She’s independent, yet supportive. She'll miss him for sure, but the way she's conducted herself is great. She's Army strong.
My friend and I talk about his wife and smile. She’s going to be alright. He will too. This is one of several deployments for him, but it’s different this time because now, he’s married. But he’s putting his trust in God. God will see him through.
I salute my friends as they make this trip downrange to face evil head-to-head. And I pray that it is God’s will that I will see my friends again, just as happy and healthy as they are now; full of life and joy, even in the face of trying circumstances.
Perhaps you know some Army strong folks. If you do, please take a minute to salute them. Send them your support and encouragement, even if they are no longer deployed. These disciplined, hearty and dedicated men and women are putting their lives at risk for us. What a mighty sacrifice.
I will be sending my friends care packages, because that’s what I do for my troops that I’m close with. But you don’t have to be close to send packages and letters. So, even if you don’t know any active Army (or other military), you can still send a letter of support – or even a package. These folks put their lives on hold for months at a time. So, please consider taking a departure from your regular schedule, and writing a letter or sending a package to our troops. They serve long and they serve hard. Here are some links where you can get some information.
To send letters: http://www.ourmilitary.mil/letters_messages.shtml
To send packages: http://www.ourmilitary.mil/send_packages.shtml
Please keep these soldiers in your prayers!

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