Back in March, I was featured on Lysa Terkeurst's blog. Lysa is the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries. It was, in my eyes, a big deal, simply because I wrote what I felt upon reading her book, Becoming More Than Just A Good Bible Study Girl. I just spoke from my heart. It's like getting rewarded for something that you get great pleasure out of.
On that day, when Lysa announced that I was going to be featured, she mentioned that she would send me a prize. That was like a cherry on top of an already delicious dessert. So, I waited to see what the mailman would bring. Well, I'm happy to report that last week, the mailman did indeed deliver.
Lysa sent me her DVD to for Becoming More... I cannot tell you how surprised I was to receive such a wonderful gift. And now, I'm thinking of and praying on a creative way to pay it forward. God has enabled Lysa to be such a blessing to me, and now I want to bless others as well. Stay tuned.

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