Help! It’s snowing pollen!
Pollen is not my friend.
My eyes itch, my nose is running and I’m generally miserable right about now. Everything is greenish yellow. All cars are covered like blankets with this fine particle. Even the road and sidewalks. Tires leave tracks it’s so thick. Pollen. Pollen. Pollen.
I’m desperate for relief.
So, I looked at the allergy alert found at Wanna know what I found out? I’m going to be suffering for a few more days. The pollen level is high (duh). High is ranked at 9.7-12.0. For Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the pollen in my area will be 11.7, 11.0 and 11.7 respectively. Oh joy.
Pray for us allergy suffers. Pray for rain. We need a break in all this pollen!

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