I turn on the news and within 15 minutes, I’m “updated” to the events in my community and nation. What a devastating program the news has become. To watch the news is to be constantly bombarded with the depravity of the world. But, I still watch to know what specific things to cover in prayer.
You see, I’m no big time preacher. I don’t have a tv broadcast that affects and impacts millions. There is no mega-feast held where I am some big name keynote. I don’t pastor a church of thousands and I don’t have any published books sitting on Christian bookshelves at Christian stores...or Wal-mart and Target. No, I am just one person, trying my best to live a life that pleases God.
I am one person with no entourage, no fame, and no man-heaped glory. But in my oneness, I can pray for what I see.
I can pray for the family that is suffering at the hands of a man that didn’t want to pay taxes, who burned down his house and ran his plane into a building, killing himself and a war veteran. I can pray for this man’s daughter who, living outside this country, calls her murderous dad a hero.
I can pray for the political landscape of our country. I can pray for those who thrive on divisiveness even if it costs and stalls the nation.
I can pray for the families of murder victims at the hands of their spouses who promised to love them.
I can pray for the children who are abused by those who brought them into the world.
I can pray for those who allow evil, bitterness and hatred a safe haven in their hearts.
I can pray. And you can too.
Even though it seems none of those big-named super saints who have national presence are sounding the battle cry against the evil of our time, that doesn’t negate your responsibility as children of the living God. We may not have a national platform but we do have a platform for our knees.
Will you pray? Will you join me on your knees in prayer for our nation. Will you pray that God will restore us.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. -2Chronicles 7:14

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