I knew that Thomas J was going to die, but I bought the DVD and watched it anyway. And then I cried and cried when Thomas J died. It was ugly.
Don’t pick at me. If you watched “My Girl” then you know what I mean. To see those big eyes of Vada - when she goes up to Thomas J at the funeral - or when she reads the poem at the end - ah, heart-wrenching...
You just can’t help but let the tears roll...
Why deny them the freedom to flow down your checks? Better to cry than to let ‘em get all congested and backed up like a traffic jam in your tear ducts.
I think it’s a good thing to be in touch with your feelings. Whether it be from a good and sincere movie, a moving commercial or something real that happens in everyday life. It’s cleansing to live emotionally clutter-free.
So keep that in mind the next time that you are tempted to trap your emotions on the inside. The pressure will undoubtedly build up and you will find yourself exploding over something that does not merit that kind of reaction. People will look at you like you are crazy - and if you’re prone to emotion-stacking before you blow up, then folks will think you really are crazy.
Why go through all that when it’s much much easier just to be candid in the first place. So, if you want to cry, cry. If you don’t understand, ask. If you are confused, get clarification. But whatever you do, get a resolution.

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