Breezing through the pages of Mary’s memoir, I am struck by two things: the rawness and vulnerability of her words and the pace at which she tells the story. I am conflicted in my feelings as I turn the pages - eyeballs glued; heart aching.
I am upset regarding the things which she has endured; things that no child - no, scratch that - things that no human being should ever have to endure. It breaks my heart to read the effects of the humanistic depravity unleashed on her as a child. She was so innocent. So pure. So unregarded for her wonder; except for maybe with Jim - I think... Nevertheless, she deserved to experience unconditional love from the time of her conception. But, that's not what happened.
I am grateful for the thin places she has experienced. And I’m encouraged that she is a survivor. So many would have given up - like she tried to do - like I’ve tried to do - but God. He pulled us through. I believe He has done this so that we can see how He can, even in destitute times and situations, resurrect a broken and shambled life and make it productive and beautiful for His Kingdom.
I respect Mary’s courage in sharing her soul’s journey with us all. And I believe that reading and then sharing this novel with others will aid them in their healing process. Sometimes it helps to know that you are not alone; that others have been through what you are going through and they have come out on the other side victorious.
To Mary DeMuth, an author for whom the desire to help heal the hurting, thought it not robbery to spill her heart out over these pages, that others may be blessed and healed, God Bless you.

I think you did a very good job reviewing such a touching book.
My review should be up by Tuesday.
Thanks so much, Sanya, for your beautifully worded review.
Thanks! I still am amazed at the level of sharing - so candid - so out there. But I think that because we live in a society that is so "out there" that this is just the right prescription for healing.