These words - “strength to pass any test” are in my mind today. Mostly because after I triumphantly blogged about how the Lord has been with me all week, I ran smack dab into a “situation”. You know how that goes. The enemy had come to try to trip me up. I’ll go ahead and confess, for about an hour, I was tripping. Second-guessing myself and what went on - hating the predicament that I felt that I was in .... wondering if I was on track with God...even though the record showed I’d just been praising Him for keeping me on track. What was going on? In two words...spiritual warfare.
You see, this weekend, I will deliver a message to the Youth at Ambassadors for Jesus Christ. I will speak to them about what it who to follow and how to follow - in reference to the topic that I was given. And, that has the potential, with God’s power enacting on the message, to do damage to the adversary’s kingdom - particularly if he’s got a stronghold with one or some of those who will hear the message. I don’t know the details about who will be there. I haven’t asked and neither will I. I will wait on the Lord to do what He does and thank Him for using me. That’s all. Nothing more. Nothing less.
So, it’s no wonder that I had to go through my own testing to see if I will follow the Lord when the pressure cooker is turned on full blast, and I’m in the pot. I am thankful for my lifeline in the person of my granddaddy who told me to essentially stop tripping and put that enemy to flight. So, I did. I stood on my authority as a child of God and handled my business - or should I say “situation.” And today, it’s all good because I believed in WHOM I said I believed. My faith gave me the “strength to pass any test” and because I am plugged in to the Lord, I recognize every day, just how much I am blessed. Thank you Lord!

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